
We are in Paris, a city that I love. We go to mass in L'Église de la 

Madeleine and in the afternoon, we go to the museum of Picasso.

As I have my drawing pad with me, I do occasionally a few drawings 

and sketches, and many people are looking at me and my drawings 

too as they pass by, it is funny! Maybe they think that I am good! 

A young boy, around 7, are very interested in my drawings, and as 

his older sister comes along, she says to her brother, in awe: 

«look at the lady who is drawing!!», but he already did, and then 

the two of them tell their dad, and it is so funny, because in the 

middle of this exhibition, they are according me more attention 

than Picasso!!

Every day we walk around the city, different arrondissements, 

different styles, different atmospheres.

But all beautiful. The women are beautiful too, they have style, 

they take care how they dress.

Monday the 10th September we spend the whole day in Montmartre, 

after having spent some time in Adoration in the Basilica of 

Sacre Coeur first.

I ran up all the steps of La Butte de Montmartre, to have some exercise.

We also visited the museum of Montmartre, and in the garden there is 

the famous vineyard. When I passed by, a little boy who was with his 

family, on the footpath outside, saw me and said in an amazed voice: 

«Mammy, look, there is a woman in the vineyard!»

On Tuesday morning we have mass in St. Elisabeth d'Hongarie in the 

3.rd district, with a very interesting homily by the new young parish 

priest, we take advantage of the beautiful sunshine by hanging out in 

the park around the corner, and I make sure to post the postcard to my 

friends; the nuns, back in the village.

Father Nicolas's new parish

I go to morning Mass in the new parish of Father Nicolas. He comes 

over to me afterwards to say hello,and I tell him that it is difficult for 

me to go to Mass now in the village because of all the slander.

He says straight away that «he has not heard anything, and that anyway, 

in a village it is inevitable that people talk».

I tell him that I am not talking about that, that this has to do with him 

since it concerns all the people that was close to him in the village.

I tell him that slander is a crime. He raises his voice in panic and says: 

«No, no, no!!»

I say it started just after Chantal went to talk to him regarding the 

rumours about him.

He then says: «Yes, and she spoke about what she had heard at the 

place where she works».

(the exact words that I had used when I spoke to the nun when she 

came and presented herself as a friend in order to get information 

from me).

She had obviously gone directly back to him and told him word for 

word what I had relayed to her.

I realized that it was him who had sent her on the errand to me to find 

out what I was saying.

«You can trust me, I am your friend, I will tell no-one» my friend the 

nun had kept repeating.

Oh my God, it seems that no-one here knows what they are saying or 


She was surprised that I did not trust her. «Don't you trust me?», she 

kept saying.

«I am here because I care about you, because you are sad», she said.

It is sick and perverse, to lie and pretend, on mission for the priest, 

acting like an informer.

It is finished now.

I am not going back to that church with those horrible and brainless 

morons.  What hypocrites.

I write to a friend in Ireland:

'I feel like an outcast now.

All this started with a former parish priest, who is young and popular.

There was a lot of rumours going on for a long time regarding his close 

friendship with a young woman.

He had to go away for a while, it was so bad.

A friend of mine and I spoke about it, and my friend decided to speak to 

the priest about it, to warn him of the dangers.

Ever since then, the people closest to the priest: the members of the parish 

councel, the leaders of the differents groups to do with the teaching of the 

faith, plus the woman friend of the priest, have all been cold and nasty to 


I have essentially been made a scapegoat, and I feel, by the priest himself.

For what exactly, I do not know, because nobody says directly what the 

"charge" against me is.

When I finally said out loud that I do not appreciate all this, everybody 

denies ever having heard anything about me, including the priest.

In other words: i am imagining it.

There was also suggestions than I was suffering from depression.

These are people that are in charge of passing on the faith, a faith 

that I hold very dearly.

They are now hurting me more by their lies and denials.

I just want to defend myself against this slander. But I can't.

I am very disappointed as well, these people show by their behaviour 

that they have not understood the faith that they are in charge of 


To top it all off, a religious sister who lives nearby, came knocking 

on my door recently, being ever so sweet, saying that she only came 

by because she had seen me in the church being upset. She told me 

repeatedly that it was completely confidential and that I could trust her, 

she would tell nobody. Even though I told her initially that I could not 

speak about it, as it is a criminal matter, after a while I decided to tell 

her that I had the clear impression that my friend who had gone to the 

priest to talk , had presented the issue in a way to make it look as if it 

was me that was behind the rumours, which was not the case because 

it was a subject on everybody's lips. The priest got a bad reputation 

and some people took their children out of the catechism classes. 

I believe the priest decided to stick the blame on me, to take responsibility 

off himself, and he told his closest co-workers.

After saying this to the Sister, I then found out that she had gone back 

to the priest and told him what I said, in other words, she acted like an 


The church gang appears to me now more like the Mafia than anything 

to do with God.

Regarding my friend, I forgave her and did not judge her, but I needed to 

protect myself from her, as she had hurt me.

She has good qualities too, but she is very defensive and never 

"does anything wrong". Saying it to her would automatically procure 

a denial.

As I did not want to create a scene, I felt it would be better for everybody 

that she would realize herself that what she had done has hurt me.

She seemed to be supported for a while by "the establishment" (for the 

want of a better word!), and I was considered as "unstable" or "depressed", 

(they even said it to me).

That re-enforced her own " I have not done anything wrong" position, 

because she was told by the others that she was right, even by the priest.

But what I have experienced over a period of 6 months, is not in my 

imagination, it really happened.

This has not made me depressed either, but socially I feel isolated, and 

completely judged.

I get angry that they are all so self defensive, everybody just denies 

blankly that anything was ever said.

If they could just admit it, we could move on together. At the same time, 

they say they want me to stay, 

(because of the high quality of my presence they say! How ironic.) but I 

do not see how I can.

Our faith is supposed to bring light into our intelligence, but this is not 

what I see here. I wonder if they are all just machines.'

Sunday Mass

Thank God that I am late for Sunday morning Mass, because as I enter, 

a bit late, the Mass has not started, but the recruitment of the people for 

the various tasks is has already taken place. It is the new parish priest 

who is responsible, he does it this way, so that it is official, one cannot 

change one's mind afterwards. I am happy that I was not present, 

because after the last 6 months I feel no motivation to participate in 

anything at all to do with this parish.

After mass there is the big meal together in the parish hall, everybody 

is asking us if we are going.

I hesitate, as I do not feel any desire to go, I do not like these people, 

they bother me.

But as a mark of self respect, and to demonstrate my right to be there, 

I decide to go.

It it a pity, but this is the way it is.

How can you pretend to be teaching others to tell the truth, when you 

yourself lie, deny, cover up, blame others in order to protect yourself?

Are they serious?

There is no power in that method, that is the way of the world, not the 

way of Jesus: who is the Truth, the Way, that leads to real Life.

To use the church as a way to socialize, which implies that one conforms 

to the mentalities of the others.

I remember so clearly what the priest said recently in his homily on 

John the Baptist's feast day, when the gospel recounted how they had cut 

off John the Baptist's head:

«We are here talking about zero awareness, zero awareness.

He repeated it many times, to underline it.

Then he said: «conformity leads very often to zero awareness».

I went to confession when I was in Paris recently.

When I told the priest what had happened here in this parish, 

the first thing he said was:

«Jesus too was accused of something he had not done»

That corresponded exactly to my own thoughts and feelings.

What can I do? Nothing.

And when I asked; «nobody had heard anything about me».

So, to make matters worse, they are lying to me, in order that I 

cannot be able to defend myself. That is mob mentality.

The dishonesty of these people is disappointing, their lack of 

integrity, and to be honest: lack of intelligence.

When Saint Thérèse was very young, during her illness, before she 

entered into the convent, her father criticised her for what he deemed 

her «childish behaviour».

She had lost her mother when she was 4, and then she also lost the 

older sister who had taken the place of her mother, when she left the 

family home to enter the convent.

She was not understood, and judged harshly and unfairly, and it must 

have hurt her, but it seemed to have marked the beginning of the turning 

point for her.

I also think of something that is mentioned in regard to Marthe Robin's 


As a young girl, she was often sick and bedridden.

It was certainly not the case that she did not want to help her 

parents on the farm, as they needed all the help they could get.

She wanted to help, but she was unable, and she got sicker and 

sicker. She was prescribed medication, which was costly, and 

one day her father asked her if she thought that she «deserved that», 

as she «did not do contribute to the farm».

That must have hurt her, she was treated unfairly and judged, and 

by her own father who she dearly loved. 

She was completely innocent and helpless.

Did either one of them become harsh and bitter? No, just the opposite, 

the two of them are saints, well, Marthe Robin has not been declared 

saint yet, but «blessed», but I hope she will be declared saint.

It is not humanly possible to truly forgive somebody who has hurt you, 

in your heart. With your lips, yes, but from your heart, no.

We always retain the memory, and a whole lifetime afterwards, we say:

«do you know what he/she said/did to me, 50 years ago, etc»

But with the help of God, we can forgive.

In fact, hurt or injustice done to us, becomes the very tool for us 

to move closer to God. The cross accepted.

Jesus blessed his big, heavy cross when it was given to Him to carry 

all the way to Calvary.

Therefore, I ask God for His help to forgive and forget, because His 

power is infinite, whereas my own capacities are very limited.

Morning thoughts

As I wake up, I know that I have everything that I could ever 

possibly want.

Most of all, I have people that love me, and who I love.

My grown up children are doing well, working and studying hard, 

getting themselves organised to live in this world. The weather is 

still warm and sunny.

Any hurt, pain, injustice, agony, I accept it internally, I might take 

some action in relation to it, but most importantly, I accept it. That 

leaves me free, and spacious, space for Jesus to grow in me.

I am doing a course on line, and in the teaching of Mary;

the Mother of God, the most important aspect is her total acceptance 

of everything she lived through. 

She was standing in an upright position at the foot of the cross when 

her beloved innocent Son died an agonizing death. She did not crumble 

or crack. She is my Mother and Model, she teaches me surrender.

Every day I surrender everything to God.

In the afternoon I go to the city, where I always meet nice people. 

I join a Rosary group, we pray and talk for an hour and a half. 

Later on I participate in the evening prayers of the Church

followed by Mass. Today's reading ( from the letter of Saint Paul to the 

Galatians) and Gospel (according to Saint Luke) is about how their 

primary concern was to fulfill all the exteriour obligations according to 

the Law, but that all that would count for nothing unless it corresponded 

with good intentions of the heart.

«While Jesus was speaking, a Pharisee invited him to dine with him; so 

he went in and took his place at the table. The Pharisee was amazed to 

see that he did not first wash before dinner. Then the Lord said to him, 

"Now you Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and of the dish, but 

inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You fools! Did not the 

one who made the outside make the inside also? So give for alms 

those things that are within; and see, everything will be clean for you."

(Luke 11:37-41)

In his homily the priest talks about awareness of what it is in reality that 

is motivating us, the condition of our heart, our soul, awareness of our 

feelings, thoughts, hidden from others and sometimes hidden from ourselves,

all those things that belong to the «invisible world», but are in fact a world 

more real than the world that we see with our eyes, which is constantly changing; 

a superficial world.

It is spelt out in tomorrow's reading, they are amongst others: «sexual 

immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, 

discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and 

envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that 

those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.»


I think we need to be careful in regards to «doing good deeds»,

«ticking boxes» of doing all the «right things».

What is our motivation and understanding of what we are doing? 

If it is : 

«I am good, I am doing this and this, and therefore I will be saved: 

I will inherit the kingdom of God».

We are saved by faith and by works, but some people are doing good 

deeds in order to satisfy a psychological need in themselves, and are 

not really motivated by love for others.

That is why examining of conscience, becoming aware of our thoughts 

and beliefs which motivates our actions, and bringing them to Jesus in 

Confession, is so important. Working on self awareness.

Living in the world, where we have so much to do every day, we forget 

this, it becomes obscured. Unconsciously we fall back on our conditioning, 

our culture, our way of reasoning, of codes of politeness, and the truth; 

which is in our heart, we are not even aware of it.

But that does not prevent us from acting from it.

After I had explained to the former priest that slander is a crime, the 

reaction afterwards was just as disappointing:

They all made big efforts to be really friendly, big smiles, the politeness 

polished up. Did they think that that would make everything ok?

By pretending that nothing had happened?

They behave like the pharisiens, exteriour acts of «purification» that does 

not match the interiour. There is a lack of transparency, of authenticity.

It is already too late now, they have dragged my name through the mud, 

judged and condemned me, and at the same time refusing to tell me what 

it was that I had done. («I have not heard anything about you!»)

None of them was present when I spoke with my friend, no one knew what 

had been said, but that did not prevent them from straight away believing 

what they heard from someone else.

God is not like that. He does not act like that.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.»

(Isaiah 55:8-9) (NIV)

But I have to say that the behaviour of the priest raises many questions.

What motivates him, what is his real reason for «disciplining» these people.

Why bother, he is not even in this parish any longer.

Is it an effort to hide his own part in this whole sad story?

I got an email last night regarding the ordination of the new priest, and as 

he also is implicated in this story, I have not the slightest desire to take part. 

But they encourage everybody to come, first

of all to the rehearsals of the choir that will sing.

The problem is that I know this man, this new priest, he is old and he has 

not much awareness of anything at all. He seems to be totally conformed 

to the world, and that bothers me.

I am halfway into the book written just after Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger; 

was elected pope. «This is our God».

It is a question and answers style book, and the journalist asks all those 

questions that people really wants to ask, regarding the catholic religion.

The answers that the cardinal gives, excites and stuns me.

With its depth, truth, intelligence and power, it is exactly what I need now.

Spiritual Retreat

We are heading off to Châteaneuf-de-Galaure to take part in a week's 

retreat entitled:

«The Symphony of Salvation» led by Père Bernard Michon.

On our way, we spend the night in Roanne, where we sleep in a 

cheap hotel, but in spite of that, we have, both of us, a fantastic night's 

sleep; we sleep 12 hours, which is unheard of!

The retreat is intense, with a full program every day:

morning prayer, conferences, teachings, Mass, Confession, Adoration, 

Stations of the Cross, Anointing of the sick, etc.

At the end of it, for the second time, my friend says he wants to be baptized!


As I wake up this morning, with a certain dread in my stomach.

I think of Marthe Robin,

and of the recent retreat. I feel straight away better, more balanced.

More HERE and NOW.

Marthe Robin accepted entirely her situation, she willingly lived it,

offered it up to God, for the saving of souls.

I want to do the same, to offer up my pain.

Maybe this is a very good thing for me, to surrender myself

more to God, to trust Him more, to rest in His peace.

With people I have to be much more wary and aware than I was 


I can participate in the church in the city instead of the one in the 

village, no problem.

I do not have to force myself to endure the pain it entails to be

present with hypocrites.


My friend's decision to be baptized has so far met a blank wall with 

the Church.

He has been told that it has to happen in one's own parish, it can not 

take place anywhere else

So we went to Mass in the village where the parish priest lives, it is a 

good bit away, but the priest was not there.

He has phoned many times his private number, left messages,

has written to him as well; so far, no response.

We are half joking amongst ourselves; are we on a black list? 

Or is the Church full?

No more room, all the seats sold out?

The deacon who has now been ordained priest is celebrating Mass 

alone this morning, without any help from any other priest. 

When it comes to the consecration, he gets mixed up several times, 

and the whole thing loses its coherence.

But at the end of the Mass, when it comes to the announcements; 

we see that he offers opening hours at the presbytery every week, 

in other words; in that way he shows that he is available to people.

A change from his predecessor Father Nicolas who was never available 

for us, only for the «important» people.

We finally hear from the secretariat of the parish priest regarding the 

baptism. The woman explains regarding the newly ordained priest 

that he is only an auxiliary priest, she calls him «the baby priest»!

It confirms that my way of evaluating things corresponds with her's.

The now former priest has been seen in the village, even though he 

does no longer live here. He has a new parish in the City; but he was 

seen walking around with his woman friend who still lives here.

I am confused. He has done manœuvres to save his "career", even 

though his reputation is obviously damaged, but now, what is he doing?

He comes back to the village to walk around the streets of the centre 

of the village with this woman.

I get the feeling now that he is constructing his own downfall, his own 


Short time after, in the town where I join up with the prayer group to 

pray the Rosary, the woman leading prays for «vocation to the priesthood, 

for good priests, holy priests, priests that does not let themselves be led 

into temptation».

Evening Mass

At evening mass in a neighbouring village, the new auxiliary priest is 

saying Mass, together with a young priest.

It is a strange experience, as the very structure of the Mass seems to be 

dissolving, and in addition, nobody knows the songs, there is a total lack 

of coherence, and I do not think that this is Mass.

A member of the pastoral team comes over to give me the leaflet that informs 

of a night of prayer organized at the presbytery.

Later on, watching the news in the evening, we see the national protest group 

«the yellow vests»

demonstrations, which turns violent, especially in Paris.

I understand the protest, and I support them.

People are suffocating with the never ending taxing of everything, from A to Z, 

and ending up with of not having enough money to buy food.

That is not normal, there is something wrong with that. 

That is why they need to protest.

What else are they supposed to do? 

The people in power do not listen to the people.

Another Village in France:

We drive a long enough distance to another village to attend Mass!

Afterwards we walk around a bit in this charming medieval village, 

and as we stop to admire a front door, the owner walks up to the 

door to enter.

Before she do, we start to chat, and we spend an hour and a half talking, 

about every subject under the sun.

Beautiful lady, very nice and easy to talk to.

In the afternoon my friend finally manages to get the parish priest on 

the phone, to talk about his wish to be baptized.

The Media

The media are now using words like insurrection, revolution and war 

in talking about «the yellow vests».

Good, they, and the government, are beginning to understand that it is 


Tomorrow the protest group are going to block the refineries and the 


We are filling up the jerry-can with petrol......

The shelves in the shops are beginning to show the effects of the protest 

due to deliveries not being delivered.........

I will buy some stock of dry food tomorrow......

I must pray more.

The new parish

I am at Mass in the city, and when the priest comes out of the sacristy, 

I see that it is Father Nicolas who is going to celebrate. As I am seated 

up at the front, I see that he is uncomfortable in seeing me there, especially 

as today he is alone.

The last time he was surrounded by other priests. He knows that the 

parishioners here does not know him, and he can start again with them, 

pretending he is the second coming of Curé D'Ars.

On the way out I meet the really nice sacristan, and I say to her that Father 

Nicolas used to be in the village where I live, and as she laughs, I laugh too, 

and I say jokingly: no, no, no!

She says: «But you know, Father Nicolas is a member of the Curé D'Ars 


I know he did the same thing in our village, he gave the impression of being

a holy man by saying that, and at the same time he was ridiculing the 

parishioners, and talking bad about them.

The Yellow vests

The media has talked continually about the 4th big demonstration 

organized by the «yellow vests» that took place today.

The government has announced their readiness this time, because last 

week-end they were not expecting what happened.

This time they are ready, and they announce it all week; more police, 

the army, special forces, more water guns and tear gas.

Not surprisingly, the demonstrations are less violent, because now the 

element of surprise is no longer present, the government is ready and 

prepared. The leaders of the movement has declared that this is not a 

demonstration, but a war, and I believe it. I do not think that these people 

will just disappear, but they can no longer use

the social media to organize themselves.

They will have to go underground and become paramilitaries.

This is how the «troubles» in the North of Ireland started, a group of 

people who just claimed their civil rights to housing, education, etc, on an 

equal footing with their protestants co-citizens.

Here, now, we are talking about a majority of normal, ordinary, workers 

who spend their life working hard long hours, and at the end of that, after 

paying all the different taxes that are continually being invented, find 

themselves in the situation of not having enough money to buy food.

Normally, when there is nothing left to lose, one is ready to fight, because 

one has suffered enough.

I hear today that in the same way as a tv-licence is obligatory to pay for 

anyone who has a telly,

there will now be a licence to pay for anyone who has a computer and a 

mobile phone!

There is no end to it.

What happened in 1789 in Paris? The french revolution, people were starving, 

they had nothing to lose. The revolted.

And now, like then, the french catholic church are siding with the government, 

not with the ordinary people that suffers. What a pity.

Again, just the opposite of all the actions of Jesus, who was always on the side 

of the people, and never on the side of the rulers and the powerful in this world.

The new parish priest

The parish priest is visiting to talk to my friend regarding his baptism.

The following day, as we are going to evening Mass in a neighbouring 

village, I am met by the woman who leads the preparation of the Mass 

meetings, the one who accused me during the preparation of the mass 

meetings of «crucifying» people», who is there now with a gesture that 

is meant to show me that «all is forgiven».

She has her arms wide open, like the father when the prodigal son returns.

It is the second time she does this, the first time she ran after me at the end 

of Mass to kiss me on the cheek.

I find this charade hard to stomach.

Anyway, with her arms streched out in this gesture, I imagine that my face 

gave her an idea of my feelings, so changes tack and just says that she has 

a cold, so she will not kiss me.

«No problem», is all I say, with not even a hint of irony or any other emotion 

in my voice, as I continue upwards inside the church.

The priest wants us to sit up at the front row.

At the end of Mass he announces the dinner that is going to take place in the 

presbytery afterwards, which is organized around a talk and group work of the 

Gospel of Saint Luke.

I have not made the inscription to attend, although I had been encouraged to 

do so, but they say «that is no problem, there is space and food for everybody».

It is a nice evening, the priest is good.


At Mass this morning, luckily it is the new parish priest who is 

offering Mass.

I like him, he is very natural, he is solid, intelligent, grounded.

And he has a quality that it takes me a while to recognize. I realize 

afterwards that it is because it is such a rare quality, not many people 

have it. It is true humility.

Thank you Jesus, for sending him to our parish.

Later on in the day I go to visit my friend; the Donkey. He is gorgeous, 

I love him.

He is always delighted to see me, today too.

When he hears me coming, he runs up to the fence.

I give him some of the delicious weeds and grass that I am able to 

pick from the outside of the fence, and I feed him through the holes in 

the wire. He knows that it is a gesture of love, and not of feeding, 

because he can do that himself, he does not need me for that!

Then he nibbles on my jacket sleeves as best he can, through the little 

openings, and I feel that this is how he shows me his love.

There is something completely adorable about him. It is his humility.

I understand why Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and not on a horse!

Christmas in France:


We are at Christmas night Mass, the chapel is full to the brim.

My friend is opening the Mass by reading a story which explains

Peace, Love, Faith and Hope

which is aided by 4 persons carrying candles that represent these 


Then the Mass starts, and it is the newly ordained auxiliary priest 

who is celebrating.

As usual, he is not present, he seems to retract even more,

and the consecration is very strange.

He seems blocked by something.

Fear? I do not know.

We have invited our neighbour for lunch. He lives alone, and we found 

out that he is not going away anywhere for Christmas.

He arrives with a nice bottle of wine and a goats cheese.

As he is vegetarian, I have made a vegetable stew, and all goes well until 

after the coffee, as we decide to go for a walk in the lovely sunny weather 

before it goes dark.

The subject turns on immigration which is a controversial subject, because 

those that have the opinion that it is necessary to stop the mass influx of 

immigrants, are labelled racists by those that think it is ok to continue,

often due to their ignorance of the problems attached to it.

It is difficult for the indiginous population who wants to preserve their 

country, culture and religion when they see their country beeing flooded 

with immigrants of other cultures and religions.

The proportion of muslims amongst them is high and it is also a point in 

the debate, because many of them do not respect the country and the 

indigenous population that receives them.

How is that not a problem?

Anyway, our guest is not French, and he has never personally suffered 

from the problem of immigration, but he says that in fact he is also an 

immigrant, even though he is a white European and therefore not classed 

as such.

But he has a lot to lose from a policy that reverses the wave of globalization.

Now that one country after the other talks about wanting to close their borders 

against the influx of immigrants, in order to take back their economy, their jobs, 

their culture.

So the atmosphere becomes tense, but as we go outside at that moment we avoid 

it going any further.

They say that there are 2 subjects that must be avoided at all costs in conversation:

politics and religion.

Not easy ........

Spirit of Family

At Mass this evening it is the feast of the Holy Family.

It is our new parish priest who is celebrating. In his sermon he talks 

about families, of us, who all make up family units of one sort or another.

It is, as we know, becoming more and more variants of family units.

Regarding the Holy Family he says: «Well, we have here a father who 

was not really the father (Joseph), a mother who is a virgin, and what 

have you....»

He then talks about us as a family community, and during the universal 

prayers read by someone else, he adds at the end that we must pray 

especially for own parish  community,

as there is trouble and dis-accord here. He is right.

The teaching tells us to forgive one another.

I went to Confession just before Christmas where I confessed that I had 

been holding on to anger. I realized that it was blocking my relationship 

with God, my relationship with other people, and affecting my health.

I was expecting the people that had accused me to come and apologize, 

but when they said that «nothing had ever been said», I did not know 

how else to talk about it to get it out of the way.

But Jesus tells us to forgive, no matter what, even if they do not 

apologize to us for the harm they have done.

«Forgiving others is a prerequisite for our own forgiveness.

For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will 

also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither 

will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6: 14-15).

Time to reflect

The holiday period over Christmas and New Year has been pretty boring, 

but at least it has allowed for time to rest, and to reflect. I now understand 

more about the social and cultural differences.

The Church here seems to be a bourgeois institution, for the bourgeoisie 

and by the bourgeoisie. 

When I first arrived here, and was present at a social event in the church, 

I was approached by one of the «pillars» of the church. The first question 

she asked me is what my profession was.

I told her I did not have any.

The fact also that our house is well underneath average living standards, 

must have also been a factor in determining that I could fill the role of the 

scape goat in the human drama that followed,

I was perfect as I was a nobody.

This is not what the Church teaching is about, it has nothing whatsoever to 

do with it.

It is not these kind of people that will allow the Church to continue it's 

mission. The mission of telling the truth. The truth about us human 

beings, the truth about God, the truth about the relationship between us.

On a human level, these people do not inspire me at all.

If I did not already know what I do, about the Faith, I would not as 

much consider joining them in their church.

They repulse people from the Chuch. They are hurting and offending 

Jesus Himself.

But I believe they are unaware of it.

«When they came to the place called The Skull, they crucified Him there, 

along with the criminals, one on His right and the other on His left. 

Then Jesus said; «Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they 

are doing. And they divided up His garments by casting lots».

(Luke 23, 33-34 )


It used to be hard to imagine that the crime of rape of children could be 

made even worse by having another crime added on to it.

This week yet another court case is taking place regarding the cover-up 

of clerical sex abuse.

In the Catholic Church, we know that often other priests had knowledge of 

abuse taking place, and the bishop too, and yet nobody did anything to stop 

and prevent it, but instead denied it.

This fact is actually what has driven hundreds of thousands, maybe even

millions, away from the Church, never to return.

The same pattern of denial and silence that accompanies every new case, is 

a completely counterproductive exercise.

Some people believe that men that are already paedophiles decide to join 

the ranks of the clergy because of the easy access to young defenseless 


Some people think that it is the celibacy rule that makes the priests 


The studies to become a catholic priest takes approximately 8 years.

The reason why a catholic priest used to be revered in the past, is 

because he was someone who had given himself entirely to serving 

his flock, to saving souls, bringing people to the reality of God.

In being ordained, he gives himself up; body and soul, willing to die 

on the cross, if necessary.

That is actually what it means to be ordained a catholic priest.

To give everything, including their sexuality.

But when the Catholic Church, instead of implementing the teaching that 

she teaches in the Gospel of Truth, Love and Justice, closes in on herself, 

and closes ranks against victims of abuse who seeks justice, the world 

watches in stunned unbelief and outrage.

Denial, lies, blaming the victims, thus abusing them more.

The Catholic Church is the guardian of the teaching of the Truth about 

God, and about humans.

But instead of acting as the treasurer of the highest possible Treasure, 

she acts in this way.

The Church needs to convert, just as we all need to convert individually, 

every day.

Being defensive in the face of accusations, is not the way forward. 

It has to stop.

The reality is that if the victims of clerical abuse had been listened to 

in the initial stages, if they had been treated with the respect and dignity 

that they deserved, especially as members of the same church,

the level of outrage and horror towards the Catholic Church would never 

have reached such levels.

It is the denial, the cover up, the silence, that causes most of the damage.

This attitude of trying to "save oneself", has nothing to do with the Gospel, 

which teaches the exact opposite.

"For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life 

for me will find it."

(Matthew 16:25)

"Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing".

And they divided up his clothes by casting lots."

(Luke 23:34)

In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, I have asked for forgiveness for my own 

sin of not forgiving.

(Our Father: "as we forgive those who trespass against us")

You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that 

you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on 

the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. 

If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the 

tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are 

you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, 

therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."

(Matthew 5:43-48)

Thus, in forgiving them, I am healed, the balance in me is restored, and I 

am again able to interact with the people that hurt me.

The commandments and the entire teaching of the Church, I take it all in 

the literal sense.

It is meant to center us internally, to keep us in a specific frame of mind 

and attitude. They are spiritual exercises.


Prayer group

All the Rosary teams, of which I am member of one, of the City are meeting 

up together, it is nice to meet up like this, and after the prayers, we eat 

La Galette des rois, which is traditionally eaten on the occasion of 

the Epiphany; the Christian festival that celebrates the visit of the three wise 

men to the baby Jesus, celebrated on January 6th of each year.

We are having a good laugh.

Les gilets jaunes

« Les Gilets Jaunes»; «The Yellow vests», this movement that started 9 

weeks ago, are still going strong.

I call it «a biological product», because it is not organised by any trade 

union or by any organisation or group. It is the french people, the grassroot, 

all ages, all professions, working people, students, retired, unified together, 

weekend after weekend, in Paris and all over the country, protesting against

the governement's policy of suffocating their lifes with the never-ending taxes 

imposed on them.

And of course, it is about a lot more than that, it is the low quality of life that 

people suffer in many different ways.

How there is no democracy. The law on gay marriage, for instance; the 

french people did not want that at all, they were out on the streets 

demonstrating against it in the millions, then it was brought in to law, 

so it was to no avail.

This issue comes back now, with «les gilets jaunes». Good.

What they want is a citizens' initiative referendum. I am delighted to be here 

while this is happening. This is something that has been brought about naturally, 

caused by suffering.

Suffering can be very useful we could say, because it can bring about 

fundemental change.

Suffering should never be wasted. This is what is going on now.

I see today on the news, a young student priest who participates in the 

demonstrations in Paris, carrying a statue of Our Lady with a big 

Rosary bead, who is not afraid of speaking out against the authorities.

He also, confirms that the yellow vests are justified, and should be 

supported. Thank God, maybe that reveales a change within the Church, 

who up to now has not been supportive of the movement.

They were not supportive of the people in the past either, in any uprising 

or revolution in the past,

they have always been collaborating with the state.

«House sale»

A Town in Ireland:

Back in Ireland. It was strange to come back, and nice, it felt lovely, and a

real novelty, to walk the streets, and be surrounded by Irish people again, 

despite the weather, which is absolutely horrendous.

I knew it would be difficult though, with many problems to solve.

My ex-husband who send me another solicitor's letters saying that now the 

family home is going to be sold.

Ever since he moved out, he has been sending me letters at regular intervals 

through his solicitor, telling me that the house is going to be sold. He tried 

hard to persuade his sons not to go to college, but instead to stay and work 

with him in Sweden, so that he could sell the house. He knew that with his 

children being in full time education, it would be hard to convince a judge 

to sell the house. But now that our youngest has reached the age of 23, 

and despite that he has another year and a half before he is will be finished 

his Master program, his dad goes ahead with putting the house on the 

market. He has never cared about their education. Our son contacts his 

dad to plead with him to wait for another few months at least. His dad 

says no, and gets angry with him.

Where are we going to live?

The difficulties and real problems, complicated and serious ones, some of 

which I do not find obvious solutions to, help me to implement the core 

message of my faith, which is to surrender to God, God who is LIVING, 

to trust Him. I am anxious, yes, but when it gets bad, I pray the sorrowful 

mysteries of the Rosary, and it restores me, I become calm again.

But life is very fragile, I hear about a sixteen year old girl in the town who, 

in crossing the street, her friend saw her from a distance, she shouted out 

her name, the girl got a fright and became confused, she ran in the opposite 

direction, was hit by a car, and was killed instantly.

The railing at the side of the street is full of bouquets of flowers.

I think of all the people involved there; her family, her friend, the young 

man that drove the car.......

I pray for them.

A Town in Ireland:

So, I needed to get a bit of money. I love children, so I look for a job 

as a childminder.

I sign up on 2 childminding/babysitting websites, I go for an interview 

with a woman, I thought I had the job, but she never even gets back to 

me to tell me that I did not get the job. It is not very encouraging, but I 

do not give up.

Then, a woman contacts me, she has seen my ad. I tell her straight away 

that I do not have a car.

It is important that she knows, because the job basically consists of 

collecting the children from school and bringing them to after school 

activities, in the city.

She hesitates, and asks; «so that is not going to work then?»

It does not sound at all like a rejection of me, it sounds rather as if she 

thinks that it is me that considers it impossible because of my lack of car.

But I myself have no problem walking or taking the bus.

I say to her: «there is a very good bus service, though.....»

She then asks me if I want to give it a go, and I say yes.

After 1 week: so far so good, both herself and her husband gives me the 

impression that they want to keep me.

It is funny though; I do not even have a drivers licence, nor a car,

so I do not fullfill the basic criteria for the job, but in spite of that 

they want me! God is good!



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