

Addiction is lack of freedom, like a ball and chain 

tied to the ankles, it totally enslaves the person who

suffers from it.

But what does it do to the family of those affected? 

A lot of damage.

All that has been suffered at the hands of the addict 

reverberates  for years afterwards and leaves in it's 

wake shipwrecks of families.

Nobody escapes, due to the intensity of the addiction 

the person will do everything to bring others into their

own clingy web of dependency, creating false ideas of 

"we are in league, you too are stuck, it is not just me", 

thus manipulating others to believe that they are not 

autonomous and free to do what they want, which 

helps to confirm the sick person in his belief that he is 

reasonable and normal, because he has support from 

others, sometimes from within his own family.

They usually do not manage to catch the whole family 

in the web, but even one or two will suffice, to maintain 

their position. They need to be seen as justified, but their  

actions are caused by their addiction, because in reality 

they are incapable of actually having genuine concern 

for others, not even their own children.

Constant manipulation and blackmail are necessary.


Alcoholism breaks, degrades, lies, terrorizes, steals,

divides families, it is a scourge in families and societies.

The serious alcoholic is mentally ill, his actions does not

correspond to the real world, and this is evident to others,

but the effects on the rest of the family's mental well being 

must not be forgotten.

Informed consent to sin


If we are not instructed, informed, educated, in morals, 

how are we supposed to know what is right and wrong, 

what we ought to do, and not to do?

Without a frame of reference, we are just floating along, 

following the current worldview, because that is the only 

thing that presents itself as a frame of reference; the 

standard of the world.


However, for a person who has been brought up according 

to the standard of Jesus and Mary, who has received it not 

only in the academic sense but who has had it modeled to 

him by those closest to him, which facilitates real 

understanding, and who later consciously and willingly 

says that he is rejecting it because he wants to do whatever 

he will, this person knows what he is doing.


But the others, those who genuinely never received the 

information in the first place, and who never saw it modeled 

to them, how can they be guilty? 

An obvious example would be sexual morality and conduct,

it is a fact that few people have been educated and 

have understood it. Including very many Catholics; 

laity and clergy.

Jesus cried out as He was dying in agony on the Cross:


"And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not 

what they do.” And they cast lots to divide his garments."

Luke 23:34



We make the assumption that all Catholics have been 

educated in the faith, but the truth is that it was, and still is, 

often so scare and so poor in quality and clarity, true 

understanding never took place, although they externally 

they might have adhered to it.


But what is internally in a person,  manifests itself in 


We do know that stealing and murder are sins, but there 

are many ways to steal and murder; slander and lies 

about a person is both stealing and murder of his good name, 

which he is entitled to.


There is hypocrisy and falseness, two facedness, 

lying, slander, these are recurrent facets of the modernist 


We all sin, yes, all of us, but I am talking here about a different

spirit, which is not Catholic.


Whereas the Traditional Catholic Church which didn't give in to 

modernism, liberalism, relativism, subjectivity, adapting to the world, 

has preserved real and true Catholicism, which does not align itself 

to the world, but which is in contradiction to it. 


"Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants 

would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my 

kingdom is from another place."

John 18:36


The Catholic Faith is supernatural in nature. That does not mean 

that it bypasses human nature, but rather our earthly nature 

provides the basis from which we can attain God, by applying 

the catholic teaching in our daily lives.

We know from the Saints that it is possible. The Saints are there 

to intercede for us, but also by learning about their human lives 

on earth, we learn that they were indeed very human too, like us. 

But then, to see the potential they unfolded, by their consent, 

their letting go of their own will, making themselves available 

to God, is an enormous inspiration to us.