It is true that we must be aware of the heresies and wrong 

teachings which sometimes comes from the top in the church, 

we must hold on to the truth, and never let ourselves be let astray 

by modifications or false teachings.

It is in expressing what is wrong and why, that we maintain 

the truth. 

But shouting, revolting, protesting unceasingly against our 

current pope, is not Christ-like, and it is Christ we are supposed

to imitate.

And calling for, even expecting, a schism in the Catholic Church, 

is completely contradictory to the spirit of Christ. 

Having a great intellectual understanding is great, but the 

understanding has to descend into the heart, body and soul.


We are called to imitate Our Lord, 

Our Lord who was humble and gentle at heart. 

Yes, He overturned the tables in the temple in rage, when He 

saw how they abused it, but it was by telling us to pick up our 

crosses and follow Him, if we want to be His disciples, that He 

showed us the hidden spiritual way that leads into the 

Father's presence:  "I must do the Father's will".

It is in contradiction to the ways of the world, which is how

we were told to live as Christians.

This is how the Church has produced so many saints and martyrs.

For by our own will it would not be possible; for nobody wants 

to suffer, no matter what kind of pain.

Accepting the pain; personal, physical, emotional, psychological, 

familial, social, political, ecclesial.

Yes, it is painful to have a pope who does not appear to care about 

the church, and who systematically spreads confusion every time 

he says something.

But reacting by calling for schism is not the catholic way.

Monseigneur Lefebvre did not, he was excommunicated for having

gone against the pope, he spoke out against the modern mass after 

Vatican 2 and he saved the Traditional Mass, but as far as I know he 

did not call for a schism, rather he said, correctly, that the new 

modern vatican 2 church was in nature schismatic, as the rite

of the Mass was altered, and anyone that has changed 

from attending the modern Mass to the Latin Mass can confirm this. 


Nevertheless we are a suffering Church, and the attacks against her, 

often comes from within. 

The thousands of children and other vulnerable people that has been 

sexually, physically and emotionally abused from within the ranks of 

the clergy and religious is only one example.

There has been terrible popes in the past, the Church's history is full 

of saints and martyrs and really good people, and likewise devious and 

unholy clergy, who cared more about political power than the Church.

Right from the beginning Christ was betrayed and denied, Judas and Peter.


Marriage divorce is not allowed by the Church, when a couple marry it 

is for life, no matter what happens. 

This is totally radical as well, because it implies accepting pain. 

If, or when, it arrives, human instinct will always seek a 

way out, but the divine way is to not do that. 

If one of the spouses turns out to be an abusive alcoholic, for example,

it is an opportunity for sanctification for the other.

Indeed, in some orthodox churches the spouses exchanges crosses 

during the wedding ceremony.


And it is the same for us laypeople in regard to the clergy; we are 

aware of their failings and weaknesses, but we do not shout for a divorce.

We hold on to the truth, and we live our faith in mind and body.

We know that there was abuse within the church  also at the the time of 

Martin Luther, with the Indulgences, but Luther was a schismatic who

wanted out, so he used this as his ticket out. It was about himself, 

not about Christ.

I would say the same about Enoch Burke, who protesting about 

something totally legit, made everything about himself, acting like 

the true protestant that he is, he personifies it, along with the rest of 

his family. He has no humility. 

Yes, the courts are corrupt, because the world is corrupt, the world 

is full of liars, this is nothing new, it has always been like that.

Enoch Burke is not going to change anything in the world by staying 

in prison, what he is looking for is a hero status. He is not catholic, 

ok, but there seems to be many catholics who admire him. He is not 

helping the concern we all have about transgenderism by his obstinate 






God is good, and we must align ourselves to Him.


There is a belief among Catholics that it is not important if others 

are of different religions, as long as they are nice and good people, 

it doesn't matter, what counts is that they are "good".


This is heresy and apostasy, it is the breaking of the very first 

commandment, which says:  

"I am the Lord thy God: thou shalt not have strange gods before me."


It reveals lack of knowledge of the catholic religion, those who say 

this have not been catechized according to the doctrine of the catholic 

faith, which is codified and specific, not bland nor general nor open 

to subjective interpretations.

For if all religions are equal, and even the absence of religion is 

equal to a religion, that logically would mean that the catholic religion 

has no intrinsic value in itself, just a question of cultural preference and 

what we are used to;

 "I was raised like this, so that is what I do, you can do what you do, 

and it is both equally good", etc.


It is not true, because there is only One God The Father, 

One God The Son, One Holy Spirit; The Holy Trinity; 

Three Persons of The same Substance.

Only One Person; Jesus Christ who can save our souls.


It is true that it is important to be good, but what is good?

Jesus said that no-one is good:

"Why do you call Me good?" Jesus asked him. 

"No one is good but One-God"

Mark 10:18.


The awareness of one's own lack of true goodness, is the reason

why we have the Sacrament of Confession, also called the Sacrament 

of Reconciliation; a good Confession reconciles us to God. This fact is 

not a small and insignificant detail, we are talking about being reconciled 

with God!

Because we are all sinners, which we confess with our lips at the beginning 

of every Mass.

But so many, even Catholics, now believe that they do not need to go 

to a priest to confess their sins.

It is true that it is highly uncomfortable, and can even feel frightening, to 

go into the Confessional and tell the truth about one self, even our innermost 

thoughts, but nothing, absolutely nothing of value is obtained without pain and 

effort and personal work, and in relation to God; Trust in Him. 

Trusting and Believing. His will, not mine.


This is one of the major differences between Catholics and protestants,

protestants believe that faith alone will save them, but Catholics believe 

that faith also requires work, and that the work is continuous.

It is much more demanding to be Catholic, but we are not here to live an 

easy life, nor a life of comfort.


In modern parishes there is little mention of sin these days, it is as if they 

avoid mentioning it, for FEAR of offending or displeasing, thus aligning 

the Church with the world, and emptying out it's divine principles. 

Any FEAR, apart from the fear of offending God, comes from the devil. 


"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and 

of a sound mind."

(2 Timothy 1:7)




(Romans 12:2) says 

"Do not be conformed to the world"


The conformity to the standards of the world, has been the Church's 

down fall. The answer to the old "oh, what can we do to bring people 

back into the church?" is; nothing!, just get out of the way, and let 

Christ reign in His Church, through the transmission of the 

Catholic Doctrine. 

Christ is King, nobody else.


It wasn't even the horrific scandals of the sex abuse and pedophilia, 

but the way the bishops conformed to the ways of the world by covering 

it up, that inflicted so much harm. 

The abuse of young children was everywhere, the majority 

of which was carried out in families, and in every organizations and 

associations that exists which has children in it, because children are, by 

their very nature, vulnerable, unless they are protected, of course.

So why is it that in France, the Traditional Church parishes, which are 

transmitting the pure, unchanged, unmodified teachings of the Catholic 

Faith, are growing, where every Sunday they are filled with young people, 

young couples with children, young adults, whose priests are for the most 

part also young, and whose seminaries are full?


It is because people want what is true and real, they seek what will 

render them strong in order to be able to continue living in an evil world. 

A world where "good" people, often highly respected, people who 

have power and authority over others, lie and deceive on a daily basis.

They might have a veneer of "goodness"; a good image, but their hearts 

are evil; they lie and deceive you without any hesitation or second thought.


The Catholic Faith is radical, it is not wishy-washy, it is not: 

"everything goes, do what you want, follow your heart, God loves everyone, 

do not judge, there is only one God, he is the same for all of us, everyone is 

going to heaven", etc, etc.


It is demanding to be able to call oneself a Catholic, and it produces the 

opposite to what is produced by trying to make it "attractive" according to 

worldly standards.

Demanding that we go to regular Confession, that we do not dare to present 

ourselves for Holy Communion unless we have gone to Confession if we are 

in a state of mortal sin, makes people taking the faith seriously. It produces 

what it set out from the beginning to produce; a life united to God.


I know women, both in Ireland and in France, who are unable to receive 

Holy Communion, because they are living with their partner as man and 

wife, without being married.

At the time, they did not realize what they were doing, due to the modern 

Church's failure to make this clear, and to talk about sin, but by the time 

they do understand, the relationship has already been like that usually for years, 

and their partner is not likely to want to make any changes, thus rendering 

themselves unable to present themselves at the banquet of the wedding feast 

of the Lord; Holy Communion.

This is a great sadness for those who knows what the Mass is.


God Is, Was, Will Alway Be, I Am, He is Alive, and He gives Himself 

freely and fully to anyone who seeks Him sincerely, but just like in any 

Personal relationship, it must be reciprocal in order for it to be a genuine 

relationship; we need to be active participants and give ourselves as well, 

and if we think about it, it is really logical and common sense. 

That is why we can not be Catholic unless we obey God's commandments 

and Catholic doctrine, it is WE who must align ourselves to HIM, conform 

to His ways,because as He Himself is unchanging and unchangeable, it does 

not work the other way around.


It is demanding to be Catholic, it takes self control and awareness, 

we must be willing to suffer, to sacrifice, to be treated unfairly, to be rejected, 

to be betrayed, to be mocked and ridiculed, to be in constant readiness

to die, not to be afraid to die, to be willing to die for the ones we love, willing 

to die for our faith;

this is what the Catholic Church is all about, this is why she has produced so 

many Saints, her only goal is to make us holy, like God is Holy,

and to save our souls after our death. 


It does not suffice to be "nice", according to each own's definition of 



There is good in everybody, no matter what belief or non belief, there 

is a human universal capacity for goodness, along with the universal 

human capacity for evil.

It is a question of awareness, being awake, and applying our free will;  

the willpower; the POWER of our will, to our daily lives.

Because the 7 deadly sins, the basic barriers (original sins), pop their 

head up daily: pride, envy, laziness, greed, lust, gluttony, anger.


It is not a question of "judging" people of different religions or non 

religions, we judge no person.

But we do not worship the same God as them, because the god of 

mohammed, the god of buddha, the god of materialism, etc, etc, 

is not our God. 

In order to reach the top of the mountain, a hiker needs to already 

have the physical condition required, which didn't fall 

from the sky, he obtained it by training and he strengthened, maintained 

and improved it by regular exercise.

We are often amazed at the capacities of athletes; what is actually possible 

to be achieved humanly. But again; this did not come and install 

itself all by itself, it was done through desire, efforts and not least:

the perseverance of the person, through the application of his 



Being Catholic is the spiritual equivalent to the hiker who desires to reach 

the summit. 

Modernism in the church is at it's very last legs; it has produced less and 

less Catholics;

"You will recognize them by their fruits"

Matthew 7:20 

If it does not have some degree of difficulty or challenge for us, if there 

is no personal sacrifice in living our Catholic faith, then we are doing it wrong.

For as the famous Irish priest Father Brian d'Arcy said; 

"if it isn't difficult, what's the point?"





Death; the only remaining taboo




The reason that many catholic prayers reminds us of our own physical death

is not because we are gloomy and do not enjoy life; it is because the awareness

of us passing from this life to the next, is necessary for balance in our earthly 

life, and for psychological and mental balance and well being. It helps us to 

embrace life with openness and confidence, and to always see the larger picture.


It is a fact that for many, it is only when they realize that they are "on the way 

out", that they remember the things they have done that have hurt others, and 

they die in fear, because their own conscience tells them that there is a judgement 

coming, this is why regular use of  The Sacrament of Confession is so necessary 

during our life time.


Some people, former Catholics, and also protestants, like to amuse themselves 

with joking about  "Catholic guilt" as if it is a mental illness, when the truth is 

that it is about being aware of the things we do that are not good; not for us, 

not for others, and most of all; for us who believe: they hurt God, with whom 

we want to be in relationship with. Awareness and honesty is indispensable. 

It is not about whipping ourselves into an everlasting guilt trip, it is about 

seeing and feeling sufficient remorse and pain to be motivated and find the 

will to change and improve ourselves.

If we say; "but, sure, God loves me and forgives me anyway," that is much 

less likely to produce real change.


I heard someone say that they did not want their grandchildren to see them

after they had died, because it "would leave a trauma".  They said that having

seen their own grandparents layed out in the coffin, had left "a trauma" on 

them when they were young, and they did not want that for their own 


But there is a difference between the pain and grief we experience when 

loosing a close one, which is natural, healthy and necessary; an integral 

part of life and not "a trauma", albeit it being painful.


A trauma, strictly speaking, is something deeply disturbing, which has 

the capacity to create lasting disturbances in the psyche, because it was 

something that ought not to have happened.


Although it is traumatic for a young child to loose a parent while they are 

young, we do know, and we expect, our parents and our grandparents to die

at some stage, it is sad, but it is normal, life goes on.


What a healthy and holistic approach they had before when wakes were 

the norm; 3 day long sometimes, when the body, exposed in the open 

coffin, allowed for everybody to come and say farewell individually 

and to pray together for the deceased, and then stay around with the 

family, neighbors and friends, to talk, eat, have a drink, cry, tell stories, 

laugh. Nothing more natural than that, people got the opportunity to 

process the death that had taken place.

Death is part of life, when someone we knew well dies, it is also for us 

a timely reminder that one day it will be us.




Natural, Supernatural


The higher, supernatural life, springs out of; emerges from, 

life lived in accordance to the commandments and teaching 

of Jesus Christ, which must necessarily take place in our life 

lived in our bodies, in our minds, in our psychology, our 


The supernatural life is not found in a different, separate, 

other sphere than the one we already find ourselves in. 

We can not find God by looking into the sky.


"They were looking intently into the sky as He was going, when suddenly 

two men dressed in white stood beside them. Men of Galilee," they said, 

"why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has 

been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you 

have seen Him go into heaven"

Acts 1:10- 11


So when people say that they are pagans and live according to nature; 

the science of nature; the science of the body, and they think that this 

is somehow in contradiction to faith in God, they are mistaken, 

because this is the very material; the tools we have, to work with and 

put the religion into practise

It is illogical to believe that, because God Himself came down to earth 

and became one of us; a human being, with all the aspects of human nature, 

apart from sin.

He was fully human, and fully God. 

The supernatural is not in conflict with the natural, it superimposes it. 


Those who seek God with all their heart and all their strength, will find Him.


"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door 

will be opened to you." Matthew 7:7, NIV

"Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, 

and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you."

Matthew 7:7, NLT


Actively personal seeking is a requisite, you will rarely stumble upon God 

by accident. But that does happen now and again though, when God might 

reveal Himself  to people that are even strongly opposed to Him, like what 

happened to Saul on the road to Damascus.


"Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the 

Lord, went to the high priest  and asked letters from him to the synagogues 

of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or 

women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone 

around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice 

saying to him,  

“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”

And he said, “Who are You, Lord?”

Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard 

for you to kick against the goads.”

So he, trembling and astonished, said, “Lord, what do You want me to 


Then the Lord said to him, “Arise and go into the city, and you will be 

told what you must do.”

 And the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice 

but seeing no one.  Then Saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes 

were opened he saw no one. But they led him by the hand and brought 

him into Damascus.  And he was three days without sight, and neither 

ate nor drank."

 Acts 9, 1-9


To find God we need to go into the wilderness; the wilderness of our 

existential loneliness.

We are in the world, but we are not of the world, and our destination is 

in the next world. In this world we are only passing through. 

We need to disengage from the world, to pull back from it,  in order to 

be able to look at what is in our minds and hearts.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of 

your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what 

is good and acceptable and perfect."

Romans 12:2

The "world" is channeled mainly through mass media, it "informs" us what 

is true, what is going on, what is good and normal, and what is bad, and so 


Studies shows, which corresponds with my own impression, that appr.

70 - 80 % of people live in consensus with the world. They believe in 

the government, the media, the popular opinions on any given subject,

all this is their external guide that they adhere to.


Even when when there is cognitive dissonance, when it goes against

their own values and common sense, for example that

marriage between two people of the same sex is marriage, 

that killing your unborn living baby, up to 9 months of gestation 

is totally acceptable and even healthcare, or 

the massive pressure and threats they used to force the population 

to take an experimental injection, a vaccine, against a virus that posed 

no threat to them, as the experts all explained openly it was an influenza 

that was not dangerous for healthy people,

the sexualizing of young children carried out in the school system, 

the normalisation of transgenderism, 

the encouragement of small children to "question" their sexuality, and 

if they "think" that they are not the gender that they are born with, they 

are encouraged and referred to clinics to get surgery done. 

These are things that are actually taking place, and has been happening for 

a long time already; this is what people are being brainwashed into accepting 

as normal, this madness comes from the government, the same government 

that people trust and believe in. And vote for.



"We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of 

the evil one."

1John 5:19


This state of affairs could never have come about if there was enough people 

who sought God.

Enough people willing to disengage from their cultural conditioning, to look 

inside themselves, change, convert.  

This can only happen inside the person, driven by their own will and desire.

It can not be imposed.

Neither is it the easy option, because it is the opposite to the ways of the world.

"You can enter God’s Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The 

highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose 

that way."

Matthew 7:13 NLT


But it is worth it, because when you find God, you also find your real self.


You are completely unique, there is only ONE of you. 

 "For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well."

 Psalm 139:13-14


"Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this 

world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over 

to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.” 

John 18:36


After Jesus had healed the man (Matthew 8,3) of leprosy, He commanded 

the man to not tell anybody, but to only show himself to the priest.

"Then Jesus said to him, “See that you don’t tell anyone. But go, show 

yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded, as a testimony 

to them.” (Matthew 8,4)



The Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Coronation of the Most Holy Virgin Mary



Our Lady; The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, is both our Mother 

and our Queen.

With her entire life, attitude, cooperation, purity, she is a perfect 

model for us to imitate.

Because in the same way as we imitate, download, are shaped 

by, our biological mother; as children we are profoundly 

affected by our mother's proximity and our dependence on her,

Our Lady, Our spiritual Mother, is our model for us to imitate in 

order to grow in holiness. 


The Magnificat; Our Lady's own prayer, which came out of her 

meeting with her cousin Elisabeth; recounted in the second joyful 


describes how it is only by submitting ourselves entirely to God,

in trust and humility, that God can operate in us; it is the only way 

we can truly become available to Him.  

It is to be poor in spirit.


The Magnificat


My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior,
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.
He has mercy on those who fear him 
in every generation.
He has shown the strength of his arm,
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the lowly.

He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has come to the help of his servant Israel
for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers,
to Abraham and his children forever.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

This is in sharp contrast to the ways of the world, which tells us 

to make our mark, to make our presence be seen and heard, to 

be somebody, to be ambitious and selfish.

And pride is on top of the list of mortal sins; 

sins which leads to damnation.  It is probably the most widespread;

unconsciously maybe, we look for recognition, motivated in our 

actions by ambition, by vainglory. Even in the spiritual sphere, 

pride props back up from under the superficial surface of false 



But God, who is both visible and invisible, works away in the background, 

outside our immediate awareness, discreetly, gently and quietly. 

 Hail Holy Queen (Salve Regina)

 Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope.
To thee do we cry,
Poor banished children of Eve;
To thee do we send up our sighs,
Mourning and weeping in this valley of tears.

Turn then, most gracious advocate,
Thine eyes of mercy toward us;
And after this our exile,
Show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary.

  Pray for us, O holy Mother of God,

  that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.


Fruit of the Mystery:

A greater devotion to The Most Holy Virgin Mary.

May the grace of this Mystery come into our souls. 

The Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of The Virgin Mary



Catholics believe that Mary; Mother of God and Mother 

of men, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory.

The Bull Munificentissimus Deus affirms the elevation of 

Mary’s body to heavenly glory, declaring this truth 

a divinely revealed dogma.


Mary, chosen by God as being worthy to be used as a 

pure vessel for God to come through, in order to become 



The Annunciation, (1.Joyful Mystery) recounts: 

"In the sixth month, Gabriel (the angel) was sent from God 

to a town in Galilee called Nazareth,  to a virgin engaged to 

a man called Joseph, from the family of David. 

The virgin was called Mary.

“Greetings, favored one!” said the angel when he arrived. 

“May the Lord be with you!”

She was disturbed at this, and wondered what such a greeting 

might mean.

“Don’t be afraid, Mary,” said the angel to her. 

“You’re in favor with God.  

Listen: you will conceive in your womb and will have a son; 

and you shall call his name Jesus. He will be a great man, and 

he’ll be called the son of the Most High. The Lord God will 

give him the throne of David his father, and he shall reign 

over the house of Jacob forever. 

His kingdom will never come to an end.”

Luke 1: 26- 33


Mary; Mother of God

The Immaculate Conception

The spotless Ark of the Covenant 

The beginning of the new creation

Full of grace

The new Eve

The one who intercedes for us

Who was not spared earthly suffering herself

Mary, always at the side of her Son, who just 

before breathing His last breath, gave her to us as 

our Mother:

 "Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s 

sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene.  

When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom 

he loved standing nearby, he said to her,  

“Woman, here is your son,” and to the 

disciple, “Here is your mother.” 

From that time on, this disciple took her into his home."

John 19:25-27


Our heavenly, spiritual mother, the mother of our souls,

always faithful and helpful; someone we can trust.

Mary, The greatest Saint of all the Saints in Heaven.

Mary, the “woman clothed with the sun” described in 

the Book of Revelation.


"A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed 

with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a 

crown of twelve stars on her head." 

Revelation 12: 1


We are children of God, we have a Father and a Mother. 

Mary is the Mother we go to with our problems,

for protection, for help, in this "valley of tears"

(Hail Holy Queen prayer)

She who supported Our Lord Jesus Christ; our brother,

on His journey to Calvary, supports us in our often

painful and difficult journey in life.

Pope Benedict XVI:

"By contemplating Mary in heavenly glory, we understand 

that the earth is not the definitive homeland for us either, 

and that if we live with our gaze fixed on eternal goods 

we will one day share in this same glory and the earth 

will become more beautiful.

Consequently, we must not lose our serenity and peace even 

amid the thousands of daily difficulties. The luminous sign of 

Our Lady taken up into Heaven shines out even more brightly 

when sad shadows of suffering and violence seem to loom on 

the horizon."


Fruit of the Mystery:

Perseverance, The grace of a good death.

May the grace of this Mystery come into our souls.


The Third Glorious Mystery: Pentecost; The descent of the Holy Spirit




Our Lord was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit,

He was brought into existence by God the Father, of whom 

He was of the same substance.


Our Lady gave birth to God, by her purity and by the

YES of her heart. 


After the Ascension of Our Lord, Mary was present with 

the apostles in the Cenacle; the Upper room, (where also 

the Last Supper ( the very first Mass) had taken place), when, 

in accordance with Jesus's promise, He sent them the Helper; 

the Holy Spirit, which came in the appearance of tongues 

of fire.

All the apostles were filled with it's power and light, and 

they began to speak foreign languages which they had never 



Believing practicing Catholics who have received the 

Sacrament of Confirmation, also have the Holy Spirit

within them.


The Holy Spirit is the third Person of The Holy Trinity.

The Holy Trinity's Three Persons: 

Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, 

are all of the one and the same Substance.

The appearance of tongues of flames, which came after

loud sounds and heavy winds, is a strong and forceful

manifestation of the Holy Spirit.


For most of us believers, the progressive growth

in the Holy Presence of God; the Paraclete, 

takes place more discreetly and gently, which is why it

is also often symbolized by a dove. 

Fruit of the Mystery: 

Charity, and the descent of the Holy Spirit into our hearts.

May the grace of the Mystery come into our soul.


The Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension of Jesus Christ



With our minds and spirits lifted up to God, with our internal 

regard upwards, in prayer, trust and humility, hope for the eternal


Yes, Jesus ascended up to Heaven; for as He came down 

from Heaven when He was born,

He returned the same way; He ascended back up to 



His apostles were present, they saw Him ascending into Heaven



"they were looking intently into the sky as He was going when 

suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. 

“Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into 

the sky? 

This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will 

come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven.”

 Acts 1:10-11 


The Three Theological Virtues; Faith, Hope and Charity, allow

man to share in God's nature. 

It is God who infuses these virtues directly into the soul where they 

make the believers capable of living as God's children and meriting 

eternal life.


So, what is Faith?


"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about 

what we do not see."

Hebrews 11:1


Daily prayers of the Church and the Sacrifice of the Mass as frequently

as possible is necessary to nourish and to grow in Faith.

Fruit of Mystery:

Hope and the desire for Heaven.

May the grace of the Mystery come into our hearts. 

The First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection

The empty grave 



From His Conception to His Death, Jesus caused consternation,

upset, shock, admiration, amazement, love; He deeply impacted 

the lives around Him. He performed many miracles, and His 

speech were words of authority.


But in the end He was brought like a lamb to the slaughter, 

in the utmost disgrace and humiliation, He was put to death

on a cross between two criminals.

He died, and He was buried in a grave.


When the women came back to the tomb, in order to anoint 

His body, the heavy stone which had been put in front of the

opening, was no longer there,

they looked inside and the body was not there, only the shroud 

that His body had been buried in, remained.

The profession of the catholic faith says that we believe in

"the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body".

If we confess our sins in Confession, they are forgiven, if we work

constantly on our own sanctification, on becoming united to God,

we will rise up to God, to Heaven, when our souls have been purified.

We come out of God, we go back to God.


What we do in the short time we have available to us in this earthly 

dimension, is very important, because God didn't just create us so 

we should grow up, go to work, earn money, reproduce, grow old 

and then die.


Having an interior, spiritual life, a life of prayer, of communion with

The Source that made us, raises the consciousness to a higher level. 

The higher dimension that escapes people that only occupy

themselves with worldly things.


"Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, 

but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

 Matthew 4:4


This not only raises the mind and the spirit, but sometimes also 

the physical body; in the history of the Catholic Church there has 

been many cases of levitation by nuns in enclosed 


And there is also the supernatural ability to be physical present 

in two places at the same time; bi-location, the most famous of 

our time of this would be Padre Pio.


When we die, our soul leaves the body. 

There are countless testimonies from people who have been 

clinically dead and have been brought back to life, who all 

say the same thing; they left the body passing through a sort

of a tunnel, and when they were out; they were 

looking down at "themselves"; their body.


The soul belongs to God, it animates the body, it gives it life

during the earthly life. This physical body goes back to the earth,

but we believe that we will also be reunited with our bodies, 

as we consist of a body and a soul, we are not just one or the other.

The two makes us who we are: a person. In the integrity of our 

whole being we will be judged.


Many Catholics do not believe in this, although those who go to 

Mass profess it at the start of every Mass, because they can not 

understand how the body, that has been reduced to bones and dust

can be restored. 

This is due to a lack of faith, because if we believe 

that God, by His INFINITE power created everything,

that He brought back to life; RESURRECTED, dead people during His life-time, 

(Lazarus had already started to decompose, and was smelling)  

and He reunited with His own scarred and bruised Body and

rose from His own grave,

He can definitely restore my body too. 

The Word that became flesh; The Creator, who created everything, can also re-create.

Jesus IS the Resurrection and the Life.

The body of a person is always changing.



 This is a person:

This is a person:

  This is a person:


This is a person:

Fruit of Mystery: A more lively Faith.

May the grace of this Mystery come into our soul. 



The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross



The public spectacle of the crucifixion; it was an event that 

drew out the masses, so they could participate in the 

condemnation; they joined the crowd, the mob, like people 

still do today.


People are terrified of standing out from the crowd, 

most people align themselves with whatever the political 

correct narrative says at any given time, without reflecting, 

they just take it onboard, and then afterwards they believe that 

it comes from themselves, not realizing that their beliefs was 

simply downloaded from outside them. 


"This and that is "good, 

cool, attractive", this and that is "bad, old fashioned or stupid".

I grew up in the 60s and 70s, it was a time of a great shift in 

the world, "out with the old and in with the new", so to speak,

everybody demanding liberation and emancipation, always at 

somebody else's cost, but this self centered culture took foothold 


Personal happiness and fulfillment was "the meaning of life".


Eastern philosophies were brought to the West in a big way, and 

personal psychotherapy became the norm for everybody.


Looking for peace and stability in ways outside of ourselves, open 

to manipulation by a massive industry of "well being", which is 

business like all other businesses; they are there to make money.


But the way our integrated nature functions is the other way


The only way "out" is in.  By living the interior authentic life 

we have what it takes to be truly liberated. By fully

accepting our restraints and even sometimes the feeling of 

being a captive, a prisoner, by always uniting ourselves to 

Jesus; true God and true Man, we find true freedom, and 

genuine healing.

Healing from all our fears and all our wounds. 


"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. 

When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy 

went and sold all he had and bought that field.


"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking 

for fine pearls.  When he found one of great value, he went 

away and sold everything he had and bought it."

Matthew 13:44-46


We are the field in which the treasure is buried.


We have the precious Pearl of Life inside us; 

The Kingdom of God.


Jesus is our brother, our teacher, our ever present friend. 

He laid down His entire life for us, what do we give back 

in turn?


Also; do we fully realize that each one of us is also going 

to die? And that we have to account for our life?

Do we prepare for this?


Getting old is dying gradually, our bodies and minds lose

their strength, and many people are afraid of the ultimate

death, because at the end of the day they believe in a 

judgement, and although it is a brutal and painful event 

for the loved ones left behind, physical 

death is the birth into real life; the same way as childbirth 

is painful, and can be traumatic also for the baby, as it's 

entry into this sphere necessitates being 

squeezed through a narrow channel.


But a seed, which contains the full potential inside it, 

has to die, in order for it to come to life; to unfold and 

to flourish, it has to be buried in the ground so the plant 

inside it may come to life. 


"Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the 

ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it 

dies, it produces many seeds."

John 12: 24 


There are many references made to seeds in the Bible.


Jesus spoke in parables:


The Parable of the Growing Seed:


"He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. 

A man scatters seed on the ground. Night and day, whether 

he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he 

does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain—

first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the 

head. As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, 

because the harvest has come.”

 Mark 4:26-29


The Parable of the Mustard Seed:


"Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, 

or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard 

seed, which is the smallest of all seeds on earth. Yet when planted, 

it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such 

big branches that the birds can perch in its shade.”

Mark 4:30-32


From that we see that in dying and being buried, we are not "dead"; 

as in non-existent, no more, but we are asleep. 

The word cemetery comes from Greek, which means dormitory;

a resting place where people sleep.


And the dead will hear His voice;

 "Very truly I tell you, a time is coming and has now come when the 

dead will hear the voice of the Son of God and those who hear will live."

John 5:25


The sperm that falls from a man as he ejaculates, is the seed that 

contains life.   

Being buried in the earthly body of a woman it has all the potential 

to create a new life. 


Catholics must follow and unite themselves to Jesus in everything: 

His life, His suffering and in His death

In everyday situations to train ourselves to throw off our habitual 

self-centered selfishness; "to die to ourselves", to bind ourselves 

entirely to Our Lord, become One with Him. 

I that way we diminish, and He grows, in us.


 "He must become greater and greater, and I must become less and less."  

John 3:30

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also 

in me.  

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have 

told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go 

and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with 

me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place  

where I am going.”

John 14: 1- 4


Sometimes we feel neglected and abandoned, but even 

God Himself felt abandoned as He hung on the Cross;


"About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, 

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” 

(which means “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Matthew 27:46



Fruit of the Mystery: A greater love for God and for souls.

May the grace of this mystery come into our souls.