
At Mass this morning, it is the new parish priest who is saying mass.
I like him, he is natural, solid, intelligent, grounded.
And he has a quality that it takes me a while to name.
I realize afterwards that it is because it is such a rare quality,
not many people have it. 
It is true humility.

Later on in the day I go to visit my friend; the donkey.
He is in his little field together with some sheep (all black) and some chicken,
plus the magnificent rooster.
The donkey is gorgeous.
He is always delighted to see me, today too.
When he hears me coming, he runs up to the fence.
I give him some of the delicious weeds and grass that I am able to pick from the outside of the fence, and I feed him through the holes in the wire.
He knows that it is a gesture of love, and not a question of feeding, because he does that himself,
he does not need me for that!
Then he nibbles on my jacket sleeves as best he can, through the little openings, and I feel that
this is how he shows me his love.
There is something completely adorable about him.
It is his humility.
I understand why Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and not on a horse!