The Spiritual Battle


Not Peace, but a Sword


“Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. 

I have not come to bring 

peace, but a sword.  For I have come to set a man against 

his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-

in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's 

enemies will be those of his own household."

(Matthew 10, 34-36) 


This is where we are now; things are becoming harder and harder, the 

governments are screwing the screws  tighter and tighter. Relentless fear 

promotion, pressure, coercion, manipulation, bribery, blackmail, trying 

their best to break the spirits of the ones who are "hesitant", (don't want it), 

and using NLP methods and other psychological programming methods, 

they are getting the general public to use the same language when they 

speak to each other as they use in their advertising campaign: 

"did you get the vaccine yet?"


It is insidious, insane, the governments are openly lying and contradicting 

themselves, spreading confusion and mistrust.

We must not be swept into this, we have to stay calm when someone close to 

us suddenly does a u-turn and turns on us, and tell us to get the "vaccine". 


Hold steady, trust that now that world as we knew it is collapsing around us,

hand in hand with the Catholic Church, which is not even trying to cover up 

any more that it is infiltrated by satanists,  God is still in charge!


This had to happen, the old rotten institutions have to crumble. 

We have to be actively involved, fighting, resisting,

not complying, helping each other, spreading information. 

The source we have to draw on is of course Jesus, and by 

Prayer, Mass, The Eucharist, Confession and The Rosary we are equipped 

for battle. 





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