So where are we today?


The Second Vatican Council was about bringing  the Catholic 

Church "into the world", 

but Jesus told us precisely  that his "kingdom is not of this world" 

(John 18,36),

and that the only way for the Kingdom of Heaven to come upon 

earth is by following Him and not the world.

It is something that needs to operate personally within each person, 

in community, practiced and lived in the world, but which is not

from the world, it is from God.


With the Vatican 2 approach it is easy to see and understand why 

the Church is now almost in ruin.

They started with their efforts to try and make the 

Church "attractive", more "accessible", in short, they wanted to make it 


But the Truth cannot be modified, it just is, it is objective.


The last 50 years in the Catholic Church has seen a shifting focus to 

"getting along" with the other christian churches;

ecumenism, and of course, today; with all the world religions,

thus completely conforming to the world and it's way, with the 

last nail in the coffin by the Pope's human fraternity document.


The evidence is there for all to see; Catholics and even Catholic priests 

who approve of abortion, transgenderism, same sex marriage.... well,

even the Pope is in favour of gay marriage, and is backing up the globalist 

governments who are trying to force-vaccinate us with a vaccine made of 

aborted babies cells which ought to render it totally immoral and unacceptable 

to anyone who is against abortion, not only Catholics.  

In addition, these vaccines are very questionable with regard 

to their safety to our health and even their efficiency.against covid.  


We are not dealing with an "evolving" church, 

we are dealing with a church that are no longer faithful to Christ 

at the most fundamental level; the level of Life.


The Irish bishops and all the bishops of the Church ought to have been 

fighting day and night, to keep the churches open to celebrate the Holy 

Sacrifice of the Mass with  the public. 

It is their job. It is the least we should expect from them.

Instead they collaborate with the state tyranny, they are telling us 

that it is true that there is a dangerous virus out there that makes it 

dangerous to go to Mass.  

It is sickening. 

Please wake up!







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