Catholics are asked to leave personal interpretations to God.
Because our own interpretations are always just ours; subjective.
Our mindsets were created from what we in the past took in with our
eyes, and what we heard with our ears, and the interpretations of our
role models, whoever they were at any given time, (the ones we had
when we were small, are usually the ones that had most affect on us).
What was said and done to us, we say and do to others.
What others believed in, became our beliefs, their values became our values.
It says in the Bible that God's mind is not like our minds,
and that His thoughts are not our thoughts.
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8-9)
declares the Lord.
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
That is why it is so important to convert: to change radically;
throw out the old mind and start to really take on board every
Word from the Mouth of God.
We are asked to hand over, surrender our mind (understanding, interpretation)
to Him, and to acquire His mind instead.
That is why we should not judge = meaning: follow our own interpretations,
but we must be Awake, with capital A, meaning spiritually aware.
Because Lucifer is always lurking around, and we need to be on our guard.
When we live and act from this space deep within ourselves that is untouched
and unsullied by our own minds, which is the treasure in the field, it gives us
true freedom; Jesus true God and true Man.
We begin to see the utmost importance of taking distance with our own mindset and conditioning.
"He must become greater; I must become less.
We are safe with God, we do not need defensive mechanisms,
they are blockages to His light and actions.
The defensive mechanisms are all about "saving ourselves", but
"fear not them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul;
but rather fear Him that is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
(Matthew 10:28)
The times we are living in now is a logical follow up of the times
we have lived in up until now.
People completely under the spell of propaganda by the so called "News",
that told us that there was a pandemic, and that we were all at risk,
so therefore we had to stay at home, not meet with our nearest and dearest,
because that could kill us, or if not us; them.
School, Church, Sport; all too dangerous.
I am not denying the existence of a flu virus, that some people have died
from, which is the case every year, and people die every second of every day,
but there has never been what we call a "pandemic".
In the same way as individuals copy each other,
countries, especially small countries, have a tendency
to look up to, and admire powerful countries,
supposing that they know better than them.
Ireland thought that adopting the policies of other countries would make
her modern and progressive........😒
If the people of a country believes that killing living babies in the womb
is ok, and that "gay marriage" is marriage, even though it contradicts it's
definition, well then it was a piece of cake to convince them that there
was a "deadly pandemic".
To not keep the contact and relationship with the Living God has it's consequences.
It activates irrational fear, and it darkens the intelligence.
"In separating himself from the Triune God, man forgets the true order of things, for God became man so that man might become God. Indeed, the elimination of God causes great violence."
-Cardinal Robert Sarah
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