It is the adversary who hampers and obstructs our relationship with God,
it is for that reason really important to be aware and not to live in denial regarding his existence.
How does he operate, what does he look like, what does he feel like, what does he sound like?
He is cunning, but on closer examination we see that he is not intelligent, he is actually stupid.
He is often attractive looking, people fall for him because of it. But in reality he is ugly.
He is a liar, but in the end it is himself who gets caught in his own web of lies.
He thinks only of himself, but in the end it is he that suffers as a result.
He is very often not clear, he contradicts himself, in an effort to confuse.
He biggest weapon is FEAR, because he knows how efficient that is.
To live in a state of constant fear, anxiety, terror, tension, he knows that we will not be able to trust in the goodness and abundance that God has already given us.
For example to be afraid of not having enough, of not being succesfull enough, that is a triumph for him.
Another one is JEALOSY, now there, he is laughing, it is so easy for him..........
HOPELESSNESS, BITTERNESS, SHAME, all come directly from him.
He is completely aware of the existence of God, that is why he tries to block our path to Him,
since he is the opponent.
He is pitiful, we should really feel sorry for him.