Purification, Divinisation

Praying the Rosary regularly enlightens a person as to the mysteries of the Faith.

The Joyful, the Sorrowful, the Glorious mysteries, I pray those 15 decades every day.

In reading the Holy scripture every morning, and praying the  Rosary, we do the summing up of

the Catholic catechism, because the Rosary is the entire Gospel in prayer.

Today I saw the link between the 4. Joyful mystery; The Presentation in the Temple, also called the

Purification in the Temple, and the 4.Sorrowfull mystery; the Carrying of the Cross.

In yesterdays second reading we were reminded  that we are the temple of God's Holy Spirit.

We need constant purification, by our entire willpower we must be willing to undergo a deep

transformation, to clean ourselves, to rid ourselves of everything that blocks our relationship

with Our Creator, who desires to live in an intimate relationship with every one of us.

In this process, we have to be willing also, to confront  every cross, small or big,

a current one or old ones that has not been dealt with.

This is often frightening, or heavy work, and unconsciously we want to avoid doing just that.

And alone, or even with a therapist, it can be risky.

But by truly aligning oneself with Jesus,  as He willingly carried His Cross, after having been

tortured and knowing He was going to die an agonizing death, our deepest wounds can be healed.

The crucifixion of Jesus really took place, it is a historical fact. He underwent that, so that you and

me can be free, and find our way back to God.

In the 4. Glorious mystery, the Assumption of our Mother Mary, we consecrate ourselves to her, so

that she will always protect us, guide us, teach us, and correct us while all this is going on.

We are her children, and also her pupils.

What a perfect and beautiful religion!