Pride, arrogance
Turning the other cheek
Doing things for oneself
Helping others
Seeking admiration, worldly ambition
A desire for God
Judging, Interpreting, Condemning others
Looking at oneself
Instant gratification of biological needs
Self control
Putting material things and money first
Putting prayer first
Living in fear and anxiety
Always trusting God
Trusting the media, worldly authority
Believing in God
Follow your feelings
Follow the precepts of the Lord
Follow, imitate, others
Follow the straight line that leads to God
Always trying to avoid pain
Accepting pain when it presents itself
Putting pressure on others and yourself
Respecting everyone's free will
There is much more...... and it is not complicated, but it is however, often really difficult.......
But it is worth it, because
When we move closer to God, God draws nearer to us.
When we move closer to God, God draws nearer to us.