People know that the narrative of a deadly pandemic and the corresponding 

necessity for a rushed through, still in the experimental stages vaccine does 

not correspond to the lived reality.

Some people are lazy, they simply cannot be bothered to think about it, 

because they feel they have nothing to worry about.

The safety they feel in going along with the government narrative and with 

what they perceive is the majority, is sufficient for them. 

The brainwashing by the television is not new, the difference is that now,  

the consequences has reached a whole new level. 

Of course, most people are still ok after having received the jab,

(if they all collapsed straight away, there would obviously be a complete stop 

to people coming forward voluntarily.)

Most of the ones that have become very sick, blind, or died, after it, are not 

being registered on the vaccine adverse reactions official register of each country.

The ones administering the vaccine say there is "probably no link to the vaccine", 

and that is that.

But some are registered, about 1 %, according to an Oxford Study, and even 

this 1 % is frightening high in numbers.


People operate the way they have always operated, looking out for themselves.

The way this situation is going to deteriorate, is when "vaccinated" people  fall

ill from all kinds of incurable illnesses, and die, due to the spike protein in

the injection. 

The inability, or rather the unwillingness, to stand up and resist this, to speak 

out, even for the sake of children, makes those who keep their mouths shut, 


They know that it makes no logical sense to inject the world's population 

with an injection (which does not even provide protection) from a flu virus that 

99.99% of reasonably healthy people can fight with their natural immune system.

But then, so many of them never spoke up against the slaughter of living babies 

in their mother's womb either.

As the saying goes: bad things happen because "good" people do nothing.

"good" in inverted comma, because the absence of good actions when they 

are needed, is in reality bad.

They come under the sins of omission; what we failed to do.

There is no genuine shelter or protection in giving in to pressure or threats,

(losing your job, loss of foreign holiday) etc, 

that is akin to collaborating with those who are bullying and abusing you, 

it will not make them stop, it will make them worse. 

We are called to love our neighbour; civil disobedience is our only natural 

reaction under these circumstances, it is out of genuine love for our neighbour.


Life is precious and very short, every thing we have done, and everything 

we failed to do, will have to be accounted for. 


It is not only the executors; the politicians, the civil servants, the doctors and nurses, 

who failed to say NO, who will be accountable, it concerns also all the people that 

didn't bother to speak up. One day we will be held accountable.




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