

When people become disappointed or disgusted with the Church, 

they often say:  "That church, with those people, that is definitely 

not for me, no thank you".    Big mistake. 

Reality check:

People will nearly always end up disappointing you, 

people in the church, in your family, in your work, amongst your 

friends, amongst the people you admire. 

Another mistake; don't admire people. 

People are shocked and disappointed when somebody or a group 

of people let them down. 

They forget that Man fell from Grace and ever since has had more or 

less a nature of duplicity, manifested in hypocrisy, deceit, dishonesty, 

trickery, swindling, lies, etc.

We shouldn't be shocked, that just shows how little we understand of 

human nature.

We ought to be aware, and awake. 

I will never allow anybody stand between me and my Saviour Jesus,

and that decision is wholly mine. 

People putting themselves forward as representing the Church

probably fulfill important tasks, but it is not them we must follow!

Never forget, it is not about them.

We respect them, as we should respect everybody, but we must never 

take our eyes off Jesus, it is He who leads us, it is He who attracts us, 

and living close to His Holy Mother, we actually cannot go wrong.   

The history of the Catholic Church is full of martyrs, people who would 

rather die a painful death than renounce Jesus.

Don't be discouraged, not even with Bergoglio and all his apostasies.

Weak bishops, pedophile priests, cover ups, the whole sorry saga.

The Church marches on, like a war zone emergency hospital full of 

sick and injured people, even as they now are also burning the church 

buildings down.

You just cant kill God.


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