Continual spiritual battle

For someone who does not stop talking about how he absolutely does not
believe in God, the british comedian Ricky Gervais  seems all the same to
be pretty obsessed about Him.

Last night I saw a clip of a show he did at the end of last year (Australia?) where he in a
sketch jokes that, obviously mocking Christians who believe in the omnipresence of God,
the premier cause of all things created, that God was in Africa at a certain moment in time
busy "given AIDS to babies".

I assume that he has no christian education, but I have heard this argument several times;
that God must not be good, or He must not exist, since He allows so many terrible things
to happen.

On the most basic level of christian doctrine,
is the recognition of the existence of good (God) and bad (the adversary).

The adversary goes under many names, but it is him that is behind disease,
all misery and even death.

It is not God.

It is important to clarify it. 

People are free, free to believe in whatever or whoever they want.

But before rejecting something, people should at least inform themselves about what they
are rejecting.

The adversary is active in the world, because people choose him, instead of God.
It is our cooperation with him, our yes, that allows him to continue his work of corruption.
We are complicit, we are implicit, we are not detached observers.

Us human beings are, generally speaking, not making use of our free will,
which is our greatest "asset", gift from God.


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