Trust and Surrender

 By surrendering to God we dive into unknown territory.

To let God control every aspect of our lives, body, mind,

family, finances, etc, takes a firm desicion, courage and 

daily and continuous awakening, so that God can act in 

us and through us. 


It has to be what God wills, and not what we want, we 

lay our lives open in front of Him; "do with me as you 

please my Lord."   Like that we become malleable; we 

can be reformed in line with the Kingdom of God; 

born again. 

"Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless 

one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

 (John 3,3)


God is unlimited in power, He has always existed, He 

exists now, and He will always exist, world without end.


You and me are limited beings, limited in intelligence and 

in power, but the fact that we have intelligence in the first

place, which, if it is being put to good use, brings us further 

in understanding, is very encouraging.


Also the fact that we believe that if we practise the faith 

with ferveur we can become children of God, Jesus being 

our brother, we live with the Holy Spirit operating within 

us; God is Our Father, is certainly deeply reassuring; I know

I want to align my will to His.


The first thing we often encounter in entering into

this interiour life with Christ, is our own resistance.

That can take the form of fear, outrage, anger, confusion, 

judgment, blame; we judge that this is somebody's else's fault.

We must stay present with all this; we must embrase it;

own it. This is ours. 

Even if people insult us to our face, our reaction

is still 100 % our own responsibility.

Our reactions and feelings are inside us, they are personal,

subjective, constantly changing; not objective facts.

However they constitute the field where we sow and plant,

using our willpower and self control. Work closly and 

attentively with feelings and reactions, especially the 

strong ones, they are gifts!


The truth about God is embedded in our hearts, and for 

people of former strong Catholic countries like France; 

the eldest daughter of the Church, they carry it in their


We need to stoke the embers of the fire to rekindle



Ecumenism has done terrible damage, spread confusion 

and introduced a fog of dimness into the 

general understanding and precise doctrine of the 

Catholic Church, all in the name of tolerance and 


Tolerance is not a Catholic virtue, and true love is 

carried out in telling the truth, not compromising on it. 


As a result of all this wasted time of ecumenism, today

only a minority of catholics believe in the Real Presence

of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist; because with 

ecumenism protestantism entered into the modern Catholic 

Church, and there is no supernatural life in protestantism;

their communion is only symbolic.

The modern CC has in many ways sold herself, 

layed down with the devil (the world), but thanks to 

Tradition who has held strong and protected the authentic 

and entire doctrine, the Church is in some ways stronger

now than before. It constitutes the Remnant Church. 








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