Before we are tolerant we need to know what we are tolerant of


I have heard many Catholics, and priests too, praising 

muslims for their faith and great devotion, and their 

supposed high moral standards.

I can only think of one possible reason for this; 

total ignorance of islam.


The beginning of islam is in Judeo-Christianity, a 

schismatic group created their own sect in 629 in 

Syria, a deeply Christian country, and had been 

for 600 years.  

When the fierce and violent band of Arabian tribes 

of fanatic desert soldiers; the Saracens, managed to 

take advantage of the end to war between the Roman 

and Persian empires, they took control over Syria, 

took possession of this newly invented religion as a 

powerful tool of subjugation and control in their battles, 

and thus spread and enforced islam on the countries

of Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and many North 

African countries which were all Christian, (Catholic).

Under their regime of brutality and terror they imposed 

this newly invented sect, a political system:

made up of stories and  legends, 

on these Christian regions.


They believed that the second coming of Jesus would 

take place when they had taken full control of Jerusalem, 

but as that never came to pass, they extended it to world 

domination; when the entire world is under control of 

islam, then the Saviour would come back.


So islam is a Messianic religion, but it's goal is political, 

and it's methods and ways are violence, oppression and 

the death penalty for non-submission and apostasy.

We only need to look at how they treat their women, and 

note how their supposed high morals have no foundation in reality; 

it is a ceaseless orgy of sexual indulgence; even their heaven

consists of that; sexual satisfaction without end, the higher 

spiritual realm is non existent. 

Their model Mohamed was immoral on all

the levels, adherents imitate their leader.

They advanced militarily, a political war machine, and 

on this note, the Christian crusades which we are being 

condemned so much for, 

was a taking back; a recovery, of Christian territories,

not new conquests.


Since Arab countries became rich due to the oil, 

they have made their way into western society like 

never before; because nothing speaks louder than 

money in countries that have lost interest in their 

christian heritage, like ours. 

The Arabs have bought up much in Europe and 

elsewhere, and with possession and money comes 

worldly power and influence.


The western world has lost faith in their 

own religion; Catholic Christianity; the only true one, 

the word RELIGION comes from the Latin

Religio which means "rebinding, reconnecting to God", 

no other belief system has the power or the means to 

reconnect people to God, only Jesus Christ;

The Only Son of God,

True God and True Man; 

the Word made Flesh, 

The Second Person of the Holy Trinity,

He came down to our level, in order that those amongst 

us who believe in Him can live with Him in Heaven.

Throughout the history of the Catholic Church the Saints have cried out in alarm against the dangers of Islam since Islam's foundation in the 7th century, Catholics fought against it, because force is the only thing that islam understands.


Today, however,  western governments allow hordes of 

muslim immigrants to settle in our countries, they are 

invited in and even encouraged to come, in vast numbers, 

none of us ordinary citizens can really understand or explain 

why this is so, we can only confirm that it is the case.


As their expressed goal is to destroy Christianity and our 

western culture which is founded upon it, we don't need to 

be experts or scientists to figure out what the consequences 

will be. Almost every day there is a Catholic Church being burnt


The western world has left all common sense behind, 

it is committing suicide.




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