There is only one God.
He can only be accessed through His Only Son Jesus Christ; this we
affirm as Christians.
There are fundamental differences between the different religions,
we have to be logical; if there was no substantial difference between
them, the existence of different religions would not be a fact.
We are only talking about our belief system, it is obvious that
respecting every person's dignity which surpasses differences in culture,
religion, politics, race, etc. are fundamental concepts and attitudes in life;
they were instilled into most of us, growing up. That includes openness of
heart towards our brothers and sisters, and among our Saints we have many
examples of what that looks like in practice, Mother Theresa of Calcutta,
for example. She didn't impose the Catholic religion on anyone, she just
lived her faith in charity, and in so doing probably helped more people to
find Christ than any preacher or any ecumenical program could.
because if it doesn't fit, we cannot "make it" fit, by talking about it.
We can not compromise with the truth, the truth is absolute.
Truth cannot be modified or updated; truth cannot be mademore relevant; "according to the times we live in."
Truth cannot change, it never did change in the past and it never will change
in the future. Truth is 100%.
Since the program of ecumenism started, where they want to unite with
churches that revolted against the catholic doctrine, in a worldly understanding
of "loving our neighbour"( "just agree with him") and a political idea of unity,
the result has been a disastrous continuous erasing and fading away of the
absolute truth of Catholic dogmas and teaching.
And here in France that meant that many Catholics no longer knew their
religion, the teaching became blurry, vague, and some said that protestantism
was just as good, if not even better! than the Catholic Faith.
The ability to discern and differentiate was lost, instead it adopted the spirit of
the 60's; peace and love, no borders, equality of all people;
we are all the same....
The previous awareness that had existed amongst Catholics; that it is by our
words and actions that we show what we accept, disappeared.
If we say nothing and do nothing when bad things takes place,
we are collaborating with them, we are giving it our support by our presence and
silence, we become participants with it.
The Church is going further, she wants to blend
with Islam and the other religions and philosophies, including paganism;
to make a Global Church; the brotherhood of man.
She is going down the road of pure politics, instead of staying the unlimited
powerful spiritual force she in reality is.
As a result we now have today occasional Masses co-celebrated with Imams.
There is no point for Mass goers to complain on Facebook about this, and then
say nothing and gladly going along with it when it happens in our own church.
that is why God sent his only Son with the only intention to save our souls
and give us eternal life.
The Catholic program is not a political one, it is not about worldly power
or domination, it is a personal sanctification program which is difficult and
which only a few are willing to take on. ( check out the New testament)
True peace in the world can happen if people change internally, and
imitate Christ.
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