Transmission of The Catholic Faith


In order to be able to understand anything, it is necessary to first

receive information.  This is what all education is about.


In regard to the Catholic doctrine the catechism received forms the entire 

basis of our understanding.

The catechism is very varied today, depending on where we live and the 

extent to which our family of origin deems it important, 

(if received as children.)


And then the all important element of our own willingness and openness 

to understanding and to putting into practice what has been transmitted to 



But the transmission itself as absolutely crucial; if it is done well

the recipients will want nothing else than to follow it and implement it in 

their own lives. Due to the way and the skill of the delivery their own 

intelligence has been illuminated, and they can see for themselves that 

nothing else in their life compares in importance.


Everybody recognizes the futility of forcing anybody to do anything against 

their will; in the case of children, yes, parents can make their children attend 

catechism classes even if the children don't want to, but it will not bear fruit.


Equally important; the person who transmits the information has to be a 

person of  integrity,

there has to be correlation between the words spoken and their personality, 

their behavior, how they treat you.

It is the latter that actually makes the understanding sink in; the words that has 

been received by the brain will be able to go down into the heart and soul.


Because there in our hearts The Word of God is already engraved, and the 

information received is then recognized by ourselves as the Truth.


We don't need a doctorate in psychology to understand that the dissonance

between the teaching and the teacher will effect the result in a negative way.

How often do we hear people say that: 

"they don't even understand themselves what they are teaching"? 


For anyone who has been lucky enough to have had good, solid priests who 

have themselves been formed correctly, to teach and guide us, sufficient

understanding has been able to enter, and thus our own continued willingness

to go deeper and to grow stronger in Faith is established, 

it will never be a case of "enough is enough". 


And then there is the enemy to the Truth, he is never far away, this pathetic

character is constantly trying to pull down, tear apart, divide, debase, manipulate.

Just like God is omnipresent, this guy is also everywhere. 

In fact, the two of them are usually together. 

God can only be found in His entirety in the true teachings of The Holy Catholic Church.

Thank you God for all your holy priests. 






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