Collaboration with evil


When we hear, see or experience evil, in whatever form or degree, and do nothing, 

out of fear, convenience, laziness or cowardice, we enable it to continue.

We become enablers, facilitators of evil. 

We might say to ourselves: " well it isn't me doing it, so I am in the clear".

Not so.

The evil might even be perpetrated against us personally, and still we might not 

react, for fear of standing out, fear of creating a "scandal" or whatever other fear.

Maybe out of fear of being labelled impolite, we might smile and say nothing and 

thus enabling and encouraging abusive behaviour to continue.

This facilitation, lack of resistance to evil, will in this way multiply in magnitude, 

and hurt many more people. That is why we have no real choice only to speak up 

and say clearly that this is wrong and why it is wrong.

From the smallest details of our ordinary lives to the big events on national and 

international levels, the most important always being our own behaviour. 

If someone is aggressive and accuses us falsely, we don't roll over and ask for 

forgiveness unless we think we have actually done something wrong.

That is not humility, it is co-operation with a lie.

We are unable to change another person, but from our own perspective we have 

to always tell the truth.

It is not a question of going to war, if the aggressor comes back heavier with more

lies and accusations, which he/she probably will as an automatic response, we say 

no more, because there is nothing more to say. 

There is no point, and nothing to be gained, from engaging with a dishonest 

person, a person who wants to take what is yours and who tells lies.

We must not be dragged down to that level, or enter into pointless debates that 

leads nowhere apart from mental and spiritual fatigue. 

From the individual level and towards all levels of authority, we need to have 

this fearless and honest attitude.

Within the Church Hierarchy this can be a big problem for many.

It is often interpreted as negative criticism or anti-cleracilisme.

It becomes about protecting, and we know where that has led the Church.

But evil and lies are everywhere, and we are members of the same Church, it is 

our duty to speak out against evil and wrong doing in the Church and everywhere.

In Our Lady's second message during her apparitions in Garabandal between 1961 and 1965, by the way, coinciding with the end of the Second Vatican Council, she said the following regarding the Church:








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