Church and state


If we needed more proof, the lockdowns surely provided it; 

the Church is under the authority of the state, she can only operate 

in the measure that she has permission to, by the state.

In this way we have the 2 directly opposite powers; 

divine and terrestrial, mixed,

with the only possible result of dilution of the transmission 

of the full Divine Truth,

Eternal Wisdom and Eternal Life which can only be obtained through

the authentic teachings of the Catholic Church.

Hardly anybody receives proper catechism today; protestantism,

subjective misinterpretations, blurred vagueness and confusion are the 

order of the day.

The one universal church that pope Francis is putting in place has no 

room for Jesus Christ, it is completely earthly;

ideologies of all kinds, blatant paganism, ecology, globalist politics 

of mass immigration; to make one big mix; mix of all races, all colours, 

all cultures, to leave us with one unique grey colour of uniformity. 

Is that what we want?




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