The beyond is within our reach


Many people can not understand why people are still holding on to 

their faith after all the revealed scandals and corruption within the church.

It is because they cannot differentiate between the sinful actions of men; 

human beings who makes up the church, and the teaching of the Catholic 

Church; which is the truth about God. 

Because sadly there is no area or domain of earthly life that is not corrupt, 

for the simple reason that Man is fallen; corrupt.

That is why we need God. 

We do not need to look outside of ourselves; a good examination of  ourselves 

suffices to recognize that this is true.

We can't expect others to be perfect and without blemish when we ourselves 

are not.

There is only One Person who is perfect, and that is Jesus. 

He is The Truth and The Way that leads to Life.

The Life that is the objective reality beyond the falseness and delusions

of our minds, the same Source of Life that created us, what we refer to as God.

This source has never left us, it is not separate from us, it is within us.

We need to do the personal and spiritual work (usually the same thing!) to get 

back to it, to find God again.

The intricate and often cunning operations of our minds; our perceptions and 

interpretations of events are subjective and individual, and

 that is why we must not put our trust in Men, because the minds of Men are unreliable, as they are the content of our conditioning, and functions much like computers. 

After everything in this life has been taken away, there is not nothing left, 

because matter, energy, remains.

Look at the way everything has been made to function perfectly in nature, 

it proves the supreme intelligence of the creative force. 

I am bowled over by how insects live, for example. How intelligent they are.

The teaching of the Bible and the Church is a spiritual teaching that addresses 

itself to our hearts, our soul. But it is not a sentimental teaching that speaks to

our feelings or feel-good concepts.

It demands to be implemented without really understanding it, or often without 

any understanding at all, but by practicing  it, the understanding comes afterwards.

That is unacceptable to many people, and they reject it for that reason. 

To trust something that one cannot see seems ludicrous.

But personally I think it is this world that is ludicrous and crazy.


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