Saint Joseph, Glorious Patriarch

I pray the Rosary to Our Lady every day, and I thank God that I found this Faith that
gives us a Mother upon whom we can always trust, a true Mother.

Also, I have often recourse to Saint Therese, Saint Rita and Padre Pio to help me in
hopeless situations, and they always do.

But it is only recently that I have discovered the incredible power of Saint Joseph,
Jesus's foster father.

He is The Patron Saint of the Catholic Church, he is in charge of defending and
protecting her.

In praying to him to intercede for me in a personal way, I pray simultaneously for 
his intercession to protect the Catholic Church against heresies, and to clear out 
what might be the blurred,unclear or confusing today.

If something that is not clear, what is it?

Or more precisely; who is it?

That can not be taken seriously by people that are genuinely looking for the truth.

And the truth exists, objectively. The clear, naked truth.

The Catholic Church can never "save herself," she has been established on earth by God,
she is the spouse of God.

It is not the scandals of paedophilia and criminal cover-ups that is threatening to sink
the catholic church into the ground, it is the loss of the teaching of the catholic doctrine,
the clear and complete teaching of the Way, the Truth,
the do's and the dont's that leads to Life.

Even just before the "referendum" on "gay marriage" in Ireland, a lot of the priests 
did not even mention it in their homilies, and why?
Because they know that anytime they spell out the teaching of the church they take
the very real risk of being reprimanded, and they know that
they will be verbally ( and maybe even physically) attacked by all those who hate the

But Saint Joseph was never afraid, he was always obedient to the Word of God, and he
protected the Son Of Man against the dangers and threats at his time, against Herod
who wanted to kill Jesus, by fleeing into Egypt.

What threatens to kill the Catholic Church today is the confusion that the "unity" of the
churches has brought in,
in the name of this unity, the teaching has become blurred, misunderstandings are left to
fester, worldly and subjective views has been allowed to stay.

Simply put, the protestants wanted things "their" way, they protested, they did not stay
in order to work things out, instead they broke away, they left.

Ecumenism; it is a political program, an earthly ideal,
in the order of nature, but our faith is of a higher order, it is supernatural.

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