Christ centered life

At Mass Christ nourishes us with his Word and his Body, in the sacrament of Confession

he reconciles us to Himself, in the Church community and in the community in general,

we practice, or at least we try to put into practice, what is expected of us as Catholics.

We must also read the Bible in our homes.

But as there is so much confusion, heresies, earthly views and personal opinions coming

from the heart of many catholic parishes the catholic doctrine can appear very hazy

to many people.

Well, it is not.

The catholic doctrine is spelled out clearly in the catholic catechism.

In our extremely secularized world we also need to stimulate our intellect by reading

takes and views on current events, coming from a catholic point of view.

We need information and clearance, from Catholics who are not afraid to speak the truth

regarding authentic teaching.

 Top 100 Catholic Blogs

we find Catholic News Agency, National Catholic Register, EWTN News on top of the list.

Good reading!