It is understandable that one would revolt against rules that one does not understand.
The big controversial one in the Catholic Church, the one that poses a problem for most people,
is the rule around sexual relations that the Church imposes.
If it is not understood, then it is more or less impossible to adhere to.
With so much sex abuse and cover up in the Catholic Church, it might seem a bit rich to
continue to impose rules in this regard on ordinary, normal functioning people.
The thing is; they do not impose anything on anybody.
We decide ourselves, as adults, if we want to adhere or not.
Just like the priests who have made the vow of celibacy; they have to make a choice if they fall
in love with a woman; they have to decide if they stay or if they go, they are free to choose.
The teachings of the Catholic Church provides rules that takes in every single aspect of the human person.
The idea with that is not, as some people still thinks, that "these people" wants to dominate and interfere in people's life. They do not, they are simply transmitting the true teaching of the Church.
It is their job. But it is not for nothing that they do that, because the ultimate goal is our unification with God.
God lives in the center of our Being.
He can only be accessed through His only Son, Jesus Christ, true God and true Man, our brother,
if we adhere to his commands, and do all that he tells us to do.
That can not happen on the superficial, external level of our life, only in the depths of our hearts
and souls, when we employ our willpower and the control of ourselves, in all situations of our daily life. This includes also our feelings, reactions and perceptions.
It is why that to "follow your feelings" is normally not a good idea.
Due to their very changing and volatile nature, if you "follow your feelings" you could easily lose
your way and the run of yourself.
But it is important to be present with your feelings, accept them totally, especially the strong ones, the difficult and painful ones. (for example rage, revolt, fear, grief )
With the conscious use of the willpower and with great awareness, not always giving in to
biological and physical impulses, to control them, helps us to center us in the core of our being, where God lives.
This is also why gluttony; overeating, is classified as a sin.
A sin, simply defined, is whatever thought, action or omission we commit that creates a barrier between us and God.
"The rules" are a set of spiritual practices, that if, faithfully adhered to, and in a spirit of trust and surrender to the will of God, will bring us closer to God.