Christianity is based on the belief in the Trinity:
God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit.
This is the fundamental element, and even those who convert
to the Catholic Church, (the Church that Jesus Christ
Himself founded) from protestant denominations, their
baptism stands valid in the Catholic Church, because it
was done correctly; with water, and in the
"Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit."
But when some Catholics expresses admiration for
muslims and pronounces loud and clear that
"they are good people and love God, and that there
is only God and we all have the same God, because
there can only be one God, and we should all pray
together," it reveals a total lack of
logical thinking, thought processing and reflection.
If a "catholic" admires the god of Islam, he admires a
false god and he breaks the 1st and the 2nd Commandment.
We do not have the same God as muslims, they do not
recognize the Trinity and Jesus Christ being the Only
Son of God; True God and True Man.
Anyone who points out this obvious difference, is often
labelled "judgmental" and "unkind", which is a slur in
order to avoid thinking and to stop further discussion.
They would be Catholics who neither knows their own
religion nor islam, but who are easily led by superficial
and worldly slogans and ideas.
Believing Catholics who engages in a daily spiritual battle,
strengthened by The Mass, regular Confession and daily
prayer, knows that the world is full of pitfalls, we are constantly
surrounded by lies and other tricks of the devil, who wants us
to fall into their traps, and that happens when we are asleep
and do not use our brain.
Another example is the "covid vaccine" that they admitted
openly had not been tested on humans, thus it was experimental,
but still a majority agreed to take it.
Because politicians said they should, and also it was constantly
repeated in the media.
Another short circuit of the intelligence, because all the same
people who took the "vaccine" would also say that they did not
trust the politicians running their countries, and also recognizing
that the media is nothing more than heavily editing propaganda
That time there were politicians who slurred those who
decided that this shot was too risky to their health, by calling them
"anti-vaxxer", to stop any further discussion.
People are sheep, they just follow the flow.