The internal words





Most people makes a selection of the words they speak, but the words 

we think; our thoughts, is a constant stream. 


At the start of every Mass we confess that we have sinned in our thoughts, 

words, actions and inactions.


With our thoughts we create our life, we manifest them in our spoken 

words and actions, which in turn becomes evidence that our thoughts 

were correct: "see, I told you, I was right". 


The content of what we refer to as "our heart" ( our soul) of all words 

heard, believed, remembered in our life, forms the basis for our life.

It is our subjective reality, the filter through which we understand 

and interpret everything.

A child's family environment is of crucial importance, it is where 

we are affected and influenced, and where the way to think, to reason, 

to act, is established. 

From this background we will come to understand 

ourselves and others, and it is unique to each individual.


In contrast to this,  God is objective and unaffected. 

To be aware of our thoughts is extremely important, 

and for everybody who is aware that God is alive and omnipresent, 

we know that He hears and knows what we think! 

By the way He also sees the desires and intentions of our soul, in the 

innermost part of our subconsciousness. 


Our thoughts ( "the mental word") ought to be addressed to someone. 

When we think and reflect on something it is with the goal of knowing 

this thing for ourselves.


Realizing that God already knows and hears our thoughts, the definition 

of a prayer is to address what is on our minds: our mental words, directly 

to Him, we speak to Him. 

When we get to know God a bit, we know that He is good, we put the 

weight of our whole being, our soul, and the weight of our willpower 

into the prayer, because the Holy Spirit is at work in us, and we love Him. 

And there is no greater power than Love. 

Our prayer is carried to God with the weight of our love;  

with, through and in our love for Him. 


EVERYONE can pray to God, there are no exceptions. 

There are no conditions to

fulfill in order to start, even to think: "I don't know how to pray" 

can be addressed to God by starting with that and always asking 

for help. 

All real prayers; addressed to God, are answered, not always the way we had envisaged it, but always in the way that is most beneficial to us. 

In fact, the best way to pray is to "lose our mind" = getting rid of any 

ideas of how we think this thing that we want should come about.

We don't know. If we knew, we would do it ourselves, in which case we wouldn't need to ask Him. 

A common mistake some people make is to believe that they are 

too sinful to address the words of their spirit to God, who is Pure Spirit.

They are ashamed. Shame is one of the impure Spirits that hinders people 

from coming back to God. ( Other impure Spirits are anger, guilt, fear, 

hopelessness). We are all sinners: we have lost our natural friendship 

with God which He gave to man in the beginning, so after the fall from 

grace, nobody can say that they are without sin:

Nobody is "good", only God is good. 

That is why we have the Sacrement of Confession, it is where real spiritual 

healing takes place. It isn't the priest that heals, it is Jesus, God Himself.


 "To pray without cease", refers to the internal state of remaining  in the 

presence of God, which is the result of our actual prayers; it's residue;

the effect, of our mental prayers. 

In a day we obviously need to do other things too, but unless we commit 

a grave sin, which would remove us from the presence of God, 

we are in a state of grace; we are continually aware of His presence in us.

Finally, obviously any prayers that are recited only by the mouth orally, 

without the mental concentration, where the mind is absent, maybe 

thinking about other things, is completely without value, 

it isn't a real prayer.