Cognitive Short Circuiting


Christianity is based on the belief in the Trinity: 

God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit. 

This is the fundamental element, and even those who convert 

to the Catholic Church, (the Church that Jesus Christ

Himself founded) from protestant denominations, their

baptism stands valid in the Catholic Church, because it

was done correctly; with water, and in the 

"Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit."


But when some Catholics expresses admiration for 

muslims and pronounces loud and clear that 

"they are good people and love God, and that there 

is only God and we all have the same God, because 

there can only be one God, and we should all pray 

together," it reveals a total lack of 

logical thinking, thought processing and reflection. 


If a "catholic" admires the god of Islam, he admires a 

false god and he breaks the 1st and the 2nd Commandment.


We do not have the same God as muslims, they do not 

recognize the Trinity and Jesus Christ being the Only 

Son of God; True God and True Man. 

Anyone who points out this obvious difference, is often 

labelled  "judgmental" and "unkind", which is a slur in 

order to avoid thinking and to stop further discussion. 

They would be Catholics who neither knows their own 

religion nor islam, but who are easily led by superficial 

and worldly slogans and ideas.


Believing Catholics who engages in a daily spiritual battle,

strengthened by The Mass, regular Confession and daily 

prayer, knows that the world is full of pitfalls, we are constantly

surrounded by lies and other tricks of the devil, who wants us 

to fall into their traps, and that happens when we are asleep

and do not use our brain.


Another example is the "covid vaccine" that they admitted

openly had not been tested on humans, thus it was experimental,

but still a majority agreed to take it. 

Because politicians said they should, and also it was constantly 

repeated in the media.


Another short circuit of the intelligence, because all the same 

people who took the "vaccine" would also say that they did not

trust the politicians running their countries, and also recognizing 

that the media is nothing more than heavily editing propaganda 



That time there were politicians who slurred those who 

decided that this shot was too risky to their health, by calling them

"anti-vaxxer", to stop any further discussion. 

People are sheep, they just follow the flow.







Supernatural Love


Catholic Faith demands that we love others because 

of God's love for us, and His love which is in us, 

from which  our actions should flow. 

So we are called to love those that might not be lovable 

in the strictly human sense, and to love those who 

treat us badly. To forgive, and not to seek revenge. 

To love people that we do not feel a natural instinct to 

love, who do not attract us, that we do not "get anything 

out of " for ourselves, but because we are agents of 

God's love which goes beyond our human nature. 

Our humanity does not disappear, rather this supernatural 

love is on top of our human nature, it is on a higher level, 

but it develops from it, and it could not exist seperately.


 "You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth 

for tooth.’But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. 

If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the 

other cheek also. And if anyone wants to sue you and take 

your shirt, hand over your coat as well. If anyone forces you 

to go one mile, go with them two miles. Give to the one who 

asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to 

borrow from you.

 "You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and 

hate your enemy.’ But I tell you, love your enemies and pray 

for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your 

Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and 

the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.  

If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? 

Are not even the tax collectors doing that?  And if you greet 

only your own people, what are you doing more than others? 

Do not even pagans do that?  Be perfect, therefore, as your 

heavenly Father is perfect."

(Matthew 5; 38-48)

This is what is expected of us. The bar is high. 

To be serious about our faith demands a high 

level of awareness and willingsness, to really 

want to follow Jesus all the way, to obey his 

commandements, in the details of our daily mundane 

lives, is work. 

But it also transforms the mundane, it makes us enter 

into the spiritual battle that we are supposed to 

engage with.

Declared practising Catholics are soldiers for Christ,

participating in a war between good and evil is never 

ordinary or boring!

The spiritual training implied for this level of difficulty 

in really loving someone who is not loving, brings us

to understand the necessity of truly loving, because

a dry dutiful act of kindness, due to obligation,

does not suffice. Most people can distinguish between

that (salt that has lost it's saltiness) and true love.

Acts that are carrying out duties, ticking boxes, are

nothing special.

Human nature alone can not understand the wisdom 

and the necessity for this.  

But the goal and the aim of our Catholic Church is our

own sanctification and that of others.


The Beatitudes pronounced in the Sermon on the Mount,
Jesus said:

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 

Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted. 

 Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.

 Blessed are those who hunger 

and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled. 

Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy. 

Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God. 

 Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God. 

Blessed are those who are persecuted 

because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute 

you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you 

because of me.  Rejoice and be glad, because great 

is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they 

persecuted the prophets who were before you.

“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its 

saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no 

longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and 

trampled underfoot.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill 

cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and 

put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, 

and it gives light to everyone in the house.  

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that 

they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in 


Matthew 5: 3-16






Trust and Surrender

 By surrendering to God we dive into unknown territory.

To let God control every aspect of our lives, body, mind,

family, finances, etc, takes a firm desicion, courage and 

daily and continuous awakening, so that God can act in 

us and through us. 


It has to be what God wills, and not what we want, we 

lay our lives open in front of Him; "do with me as you 

please my Lord."   Like that we become malleable; we 

can be reformed in line with the Kingdom of God; 

born again. 

"Jesus answered him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless 

one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

 (John 3,3)


God is unlimited in power, He has always existed, He 

exists now, and He will always exist, world without end.


You and me are limited beings, limited in intelligence and 

in power, but the fact that we have intelligence in the first

place, which, if it is being put to good use, brings us further 

in understanding, is very encouraging.


Also the fact that we believe that if we practise the faith 

with ferveur we can become children of God, Jesus being 

our brother, we live with the Holy Spirit operating within 

us; God is Our Father, is certainly deeply reassuring; I know

I want to align my will to His.


The first thing we often encounter in entering into

this interiour life with Christ, is our own resistance.

That can take the form of fear, outrage, anger, confusion, 

judgment, blame; we judge that this is somebody's else's fault.

We must stay present with all this; we must embrase it;

own it. This is ours. 

Even if people insult us to our face, our reaction

is still 100 % our own responsibility.

Our reactions and feelings are inside us, they are personal,

subjective, constantly changing; not objective facts.

However they constitute the field where we sow and plant,

using our willpower and self control. Work closly and 

attentively with feelings and reactions, especially the 

strong ones, they are gifts!


The truth about God is embedded in our hearts, and for 

people of former strong Catholic countries like France; 

the eldest daughter of the Church, they carry it in their


We need to stoke the embers of the fire to rekindle



Ecumenism has done terrible damage, spread confusion 

and introduced a fog of dimness into the 

general understanding and precise doctrine of the 

Catholic Church, all in the name of tolerance and 


Tolerance is not a Catholic virtue, and true love is 

carried out in telling the truth, not compromising on it. 


As a result of all this wasted time of ecumenism, today

only a minority of catholics believe in the Real Presence

of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist; because with 

ecumenism protestantism entered into the modern Catholic 

Church, and there is no supernatural life in protestantism;

their communion is only symbolic.

The modern CC has in many ways sold herself, 

layed down with the devil (the world), but thanks to 

Tradition who has held strong and protected the authentic 

and entire doctrine, the Church is in some ways stronger

now than before. It constitutes the Remnant Church. 








Small things like these


After all the hype of this film, I got the chance to see it today.

It is set in 1985, which was around the time that I myself came

to Ireland, so I was interested from that angle also.

I did think the film portrayed well the way things were at the 

time, it had exactly the atmosphere that I remember.


Other than that, for me the film was in reality about personal 

trauma, rather than yet again more about the harshness of the 

Catholic Church, even though that was obviously the angle of

the Hollywood producers. 


Nobody is denying that there was sometimes a lack of charity

in these homes, and the existence of hush money, transaction 

of babies etc; the corruption in Ireland was shocking at the time, 

it was the norm. 

The government, politicians, businesses, Courts,

it was everywhere. 


Having said that, of course the Church being Christ's Mystical 

Body should not have acted the same way, I am only saying it 

as it gives the context of the Ireland at the time. 


Times were hard for many, and the reason why the girls ended 

up in these places is because their parents forced them there

This was clearly depicted in a scene in the film. 

The cruelty was first and foremost from their families who 

disowned them, and if anything, the nuns rescued them, where

would they otherwise be after having been thrown out by their 



Furthermore, cruelty and violence towards women who find

themselves with an unplanned and unwanted pregnancy today,

has not diminished, but massively increased. 

They are pushed and encouraged to abort their baby, 

from family, friends and society in general, and from 

"health professionals", without knowing the emotional and 

psychological consequences which of course only comes 

afterwards, sometimes many years after. 

It is impossible to erase from a woman's mind and soul the 

memory of a real human being that she carried inside her, 

and whom she decided to kill. It is engraved in her heart.

Indeed I would argue that the violence towards vulnerable 

persons today is at least as great as before, despite new laws

which seeks to protect, because in practice they are ignored.


Anyone in Ireland today who works with children 

(under18 years of age) or vulnerable adults, has to undergo 

training and obtain certificate of completion which

mandates and obliges them under the law

to report to Tusla, (a government body for protection of children) 

suspected cases of mistreatment. 

But this is just another case of ticking boxes. 


In real life, in schools and in other institutions, the staff

close their eyes, ears, and especially their mouths.

Just like they said in the film "Small things like these":

"in order to get on in life you have to ignore many things".

 The opposition to anyone who reports a case is instant and severe.

 "Small things like these" ?


Cillian Murphy is portrayed as a deep and brooding personality,

but after his comment in relation to the release of this film, where 

he said that the time in Ireland when a woman could not get an 

abortion was like the dark ages, implying that abortion availability

is a sign of great progress and enlightenment, he strikes me as a 

superficial Hollywood pretty boy type. 




What is Baptism?


Valid Baptism has a permanent effect on the soul, it embeds 

on it a seal, a hallmark, that never goes away, no matter 

what happens.

The one who has been baptized with water, with the words:

"I baptize you in the Name of The Father, and of The Son 

and of The Holy Spirit" becomes a Child of God.


Some might argue that we are all children of God, and it is 

true that we are all His creatures; God created all of us in 

the order of nature, through our parents, 

but Baptism gives us God's supernatural stamp, 

we become sons and daughters of God, brothers and sisters 

of Jesus. The love and fidelity to God Our Father, shown to 

us by Jesus, is implanted in us.

Baptism is necessary to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.


The Sacrament of Baptism imparts on the baptized God's 

sanctifying grace; Divine Life. 

The 3 Persons of The Holy Trinity is grafted 

into the soul; this imprint grants supernatural strength and 

power which makes us children of God.


It washes away sins; for infants we are talking about 

original sin, but in the case of adult baptism it also washes 

away all actual sins committed.


The baptized becomes member of the Church, it is

the entrance into the community of the universal Church, and 

all the other Sacraments of the Church depends on this first one. 


Baptism is a new birth, a regeneration; the person has been born 

into the world by natural birth parents, now the baptized is being 

born again, in the supernatural order, so it needs another set of 

parents; God parents.


The washing with running water which flows, in the same way 

as we wash ourselves, is because the ritual corresponds to 

the natural reality of washing our bodies, as we know it. 


Baptism is the visible sign that signifies what it produces and 

produces what it signifies.


Baptism is also a public proclamation of faith in Jesus Christ.  

What makes the devil happy


The devil's goal is always to break, divide, 

to destroy Love; The Source of Life, 

and instead to plant resentment,

un-forgiveness, jealousy, anger, etc.

The ways and methods to obtain it are many, 

but, as is well documented in The Bible;

the "love" of money and earthly possessions seems

to be the biggest stumbling block, which hinders 

and prevents us from inheriting the Kingdom of

God. This "love" is not love, of course, but 

prioritizing, putting in front of the rest, and it is 

a veritable stumbling block, a hindrance, and it 

always hurts pure unconditional Love, from 

where we all have our origin.

Because we can not follow two opposite masters

at the same time, we have to choose one.


Those who have a lively and authentic faith in God,

trusts God, who commands us to put Him first, 

quite literally and concretely; to trust in His providence

and to put Him before all other things.

We still have to take care of the rest, we have duties, 

obligations, work, studies, etc. which we have to

carry out with care, if we did not, we would not 

render to God nor Caesar what belongs to each of them.


The immorality around anything to do with money

is so ingrained and accepted, we accept this corruption

because it seems to be the norm, in Ireland anyway.

We even laugh at it, as if it doesn't really matter, 

but the truth is that we sell our souls to it, we loose 

the possibility to inherit the Kingdom of God, 

if we take this route.


"When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because 

he had great wealth."

 Matthew 19:22


But it is not only about having accumulated wealth throughout

a lifetime, which makes it so hard to let go of it, also those who 

have not acquired any wealth can be equally trapped in the 

adhesion to a belief that the only value there is can be measured 

in monetary terms and possessions. Even a poor person might be 

obsessed by money; thinking about it, his lack of it, jealous of 

what the others have, of greed, of meanness, this is equally

poisonous to his soul as the person who sits and guards his pot 

of gold.

To have good morals means doing the right thing in any given 

situation, because all our actions have consequences, even the 

smallest ones. What about faithfulness and loyalty? Do we treat and respect 

others the way they deserve? The ones that were always putting 

us first? Or do we only take into consideration our own selfish

wishes, what suits us best, regardless of what is right?


The truth is that God provides; through human beings, who

He made in His Image, He dwells at the center of our being, 

and with our cooperation through the use of our willpower,

He acts through us.


Without a shred of false humility I say that I am a poor sinner,

the only thing that I had, and still have, is an unfailing belief 

and trust in God.  

Regarding money; I always detested having anything to do with it.

I did not put it first, but to this day I have always had more than I 

ever needed, and in proportion to my growing faith and trust in God, 

the financial and material aspects of my life have fallen beautifully 

into place by itself, with very little contribution from me.


"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away 

in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much 

more valuable than they?"

Matthew 6:26


God did it all.



Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort


This French Saint who lived in the 17th and 18th Century was 

born in Brittany, which to this day, remains as one of the French 

regions with strongest adhesion to the Catholic Faith.


Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort was a student at the 

Jesuit Thomas Becket College  in Rennes,  followed 

by studies at the Sorbonne University in Paris, then he 

completed his many years of theological studies at 

Saint Sulpice, also Paris, 

where he was ordained priest in 1700.

He is considered to be the pioneer of the field of 


insisting that we have to go to Mary, 

the Mother of Christ, 

Mother of God, who brings us to Christ Himself. 


That just like in the natural order of things a child

has a mother and a father, 

in the divine and supernatural sphere, we have 

both a Mother and a Father. 


His faith, and the way he lived it out, led him to 

give away his belongings to beggars, so he would quite 

literally depend on God to provide for his survival.


This radical spirit manifested itself in an appearance 

of poverty, ragged clothes etc, and he wasn't always 

welcomed by the 

episcopal authorities for this reason, he was mistrusted 

because he fell outside the parameters of the norm of 

what was seen as respectability, 

in fact he had no interest in that at all.


Judging others, something which Our Lord Jesus Christ 

forbade us to do, has always been present in the Church, 

from the very beginning, it started with Our Lord Himself, 

who was judged and condemned to death on a Cross; 

He who was totally innocent.


Father Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort led a vagabond 

life style, he totally identified with the poor, sick and those 

shunned by society, just like Jesus Himself did. 


The power of his preaching brought thousands back to the 

faith, but it also aroused jealousy and fear, and there were 

attempts to kill him.


His most famous written works include "True devotion to Mary",

"The Secret of Mary", and "Love of Eternal Wisdom", and

"Preparation for Total Consecration".


Myself being on a search to deepen, learn, understand more 

about my own Catholic faith, to which I had converted as an 

adult, to this end set out to participate in retreats in France,

and it was only during these, I found that they were based 

on the teachings of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort. 


I can say for sure that this did indeed have a profound effect 

on me, my life, my faith.


Later on again, pushed by an internal inspiration to do more 

for the Church, to engage myself more, I felt called to 

join the Legion of Mary.


And again, it was only after having done so, that I realized 

that, although the Legion was founded and built by the 

person of Frank Duff,

it was the teachings of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de 

Montfort which was it's spiritual inspiration and base.


A total surrender to the will of God, a complete dependence

on His providence for us, Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de 

Montfort used the word "slave" to describe our relationship

with Our Saviour. 

"Slave" in the loving sense that we totally belong to Him, 

we are loved by Him, we are redeemed by Him.


Devotion to the Mother of God, daily recitation of the Rosary,

frequent Communion and Confession, reading the Word of God,

meditating on it.


Us Catholics are lucky to have Saints; by their application

of the Word into their daily lives they were sanctified, and 

this is the very goal of all Catholics; our personal sanctification.

The implementation of the teachings of Jesus in our 

personal lives, in order to improve ourselves, 

and to come closer to the presence of God. 

Others will follow, because then it will no longer be we who live, 

but the One who is much much greater that any of us, who lives.





Before we are tolerant we need to know what we are tolerant of


I have heard many Catholics, and priests too, praising 

muslims for their faith and great devotion, and their 

supposed high moral standards.

I can only think of one possible reason for this; 

total ignorance of islam.


The beginning of islam is in Judeo-Christianity, a 

schismatic group created their own sect in 629 in 

Syria, a deeply Christian country, and had been 

for 600 years.  

When the fierce and violent band of Arabian tribes 

of fanatic desert soldiers; the Saracens, managed to 

take advantage of the end to war between the Roman 

and Persian empires, they took control over Syria, 

took possession of this newly invented religion as a 

powerful tool of subjugation and control in their battles, 

and thus spread and enforced islam on the countries

of Turkey, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and many North 

African countries which were all Christian, (Catholic).

Under their regime of brutality and terror they imposed 

this newly invented sect, a political system:

made up of stories and  legends, 

on these Christian regions.


They believed that the second coming of Jesus would 

take place when they had taken full control of Jerusalem, 

but as that never came to pass, they extended it to world 

domination; when the entire world is under control of 

islam, then the Saviour would come back.


So islam is a Messianic religion, but it's goal is political, 

and it's methods and ways are violence, oppression and 

the death penalty for non-submission and apostasy.

We only need to look at how they treat their women, and 

note how their supposed high morals have no foundation in reality; 

it is a ceaseless orgy of sexual indulgence; even their heaven

consists of that; sexual satisfaction without end, the higher 

spiritual realm is non existent. 

Their model Mohamed was immoral on all

the levels, adherents imitate their leader.

They advanced militarily, a political war machine, and 

on this note, the Christian crusades which we are being 

condemned so much for, 

was a taking back; a recovery, of Christian territories,

not new conquests.


Since Arab countries became rich due to the oil, 

they have made their way into western society like 

never before; because nothing speaks louder than 

money in countries that have lost interest in their 

christian heritage, like ours. 

The Arabs have bought up much in Europe and 

elsewhere, and with possession and money comes 

worldly power and influence.


The western world has lost faith in their 

own religion; Catholic Christianity; the only true one, 

the word RELIGION comes from the Latin

Religio which means "rebinding, reconnecting to God", 

no other belief system has the power or the means to 

reconnect people to God, only Jesus Christ;

The Only Son of God,

True God and True Man; 

the Word made Flesh, 

The Second Person of the Holy Trinity,

He came down to our level, in order that those amongst 

us who believe in Him can live with Him in Heaven.

Throughout the history of the Catholic Church the Saints have cried out in alarm against the dangers of Islam since Islam's foundation in the 7th century, Catholics fought against it, because force is the only thing that islam understands.


Today, however,  western governments allow hordes of 

muslim immigrants to settle in our countries, they are 

invited in and even encouraged to come, in vast numbers, 

none of us ordinary citizens can really understand or explain 

why this is so, we can only confirm that it is the case.


As their expressed goal is to destroy Christianity and our 

western culture which is founded upon it, we don't need to 

be experts or scientists to figure out what the consequences 

will be. Almost every day there is a Catholic Church being burnt


The western world has left all common sense behind, 

it is committing suicide.




Courage is needed


I am not in a position to pass judgment and to criticize, 

I know what I am; a miserable sinner, and in a glass house 

one can't throw stones. 

We are all in this position, none of us can throw stones.

God alone can judge.

But I feel strongly about the One Holy Catholic Church; which is the guardian and treasurer of the full knowledge of God, and about us mere humans.


When I pray the Rosary and come to the Crucifixion of 

Our Lord, I am struck by the unfailing truth in Jesus's cry 

to the Father: 

"Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do".


Sin is knowing what is right and wrong and deciding to do the wrong, anyway. 


But first of all knowledge comes from having received information from a trusted source, in order to form an informed conscience. 

That then becomes the frame of reference for everything we think, say and do.

Because if nobody tells us, how do we know? 


I grew up in a post-christian former protestant country, 

and although baptized in the Norwegian Lutheran church, 

I received no instruction from anyone, not even from my 

mother, who was a believer, and very sparsely in connection 

with my conversion to the Catholic Faith.


Ignorance is a dangerous thing, one is unable to make good decisions.

And then, always, sooner or later, we suffer the consequences of those bad decisions.


Also, paradoxically, it can often be that very suffering that 

brings us close to Him who suffered for us, who even died 

a terrible death for us.


But Catechism is crucial, the passing on of dogma and truth 

of authentic Catholic teaching, not open to personal interpretation or subjective opinions. 


These days I am hugely encouraged to hear small children talk about the faith, it shows that it is alive and even coming back stronger than in recent decades, where liberalism (accepting everything) and a reticence to teaching morals, reigned.


Morals, personal behavior, is number one; "it starts with me". 

I have spent years learning about the faith, deepening it, 

learning more, and going more frequent to confession, getting 

feedback from the priest.


The priesthood is a miracle, a supernatural gift. 

I pray for priests, and I pray for more and more vocations to the priesthood.

I pray that the courage they need to go back to preaching morals will be revived in them, and not to be cowed down by those who say that priests have no authority to teach morals after all the scandals and cover- ups of same.


They DO have the authority, it comes from Jesus Himself. 

They must preach, they must not be afraid.


Stopping preaching sexual morality caused the legalization 

of abortion, and abortion is the cause of spiritual, psychological and mental collapse of societies.

We are called to love everybody, and a fundamental obligation of love is informing and warning those we love.


All parents knows that; we love our children, and for this very reason we teach them things that sometimes they do not want to hear, but we do it out of pure love.


And it is the same for priests, with the difference that they are spiritually responsible for a large number of souls.












Catholic teaching says that all fear, 

with the only exception of fear of offending God, 

comes from the devil.

Fear has many degrees; from faint uneasiness, anxiousness,

nervousness, fear, to panic and full blown terror.

So why do we say that it comes from the devil?

Because it prevents us from trusting in God, who is in 

reality and truth always present and ready to help us, in any 

situation, if we allow Him access, but us being afraid is a solid 


The devil wants us to worry, as that will assure us being on his 


And the pharmaceutical industry profits hugely from the 

population living in anxiety, likewise therapists and counselors.


The problem is not the feeling of fear. Because it is NORMAL 

to feel fear when there is a danger, either to us personally or to 

someone we love. 

It is also NORMAL to feel stressed in situations when there is 

a lot at stake for us personally, for example before and during 

important interviews and performances.

But nowadays many people think that they suffer from anxiety 

when they experience these normal, passing, feelings. 

It is the interpretations and diagnosis of these, both by the 

medical profession and therapists, which poses the problem, but

before a person arrives there, what brought him there?


His own high esteem in which he holds the doctor, his belief in 

their capacities to cure whatever it is,

because he himself sees it as a problem, something that 

"shouldn't be there".

It is the world that tells him that these feelings are an illness 

which has a medical solution. They tell you that you 

"have anxiety", you "suffer from anxiety", in the same way as 

you would suffer from a physical condition. 

In reality, it is just life.

There are exceptions which are medical, and need 

medical supervision and control, but the vast majority 

of people being put on "medication", are not dealt with 

properly from the beginning. 

These medications always have side effects, they can 

cause long term damage and they reduce your quality of 


And the therapist is capable of saying anything, listening 

to you they will interpret and "diagnose" everything you say, 

label you as suffering from anxiety because you experienced 

feeling of fear in situations where it was totally normal to 

feel fear.  

A doctor can say to a young teenager, an only child, who had 

just lost her mother to suicide, that she had 

"hormonal imbalances", 

prescribed a drug that was supposed to rectify it, but which 

made her very sick, she put on a ton of weight, and in the 

end she was diagnosed with cancer. 

The drug had in the meantime been taken off the market, as 

it had been proven to cause cancer.

This girl was used as a guinea pig, without knowing it. 

I know this case, and many other instances, this is just one.

This is the reality of medicine.

Despite this, most people have an unfailing belief  in doctors, 

it is their trust and belief in them that brings them to them in 

the first place. 

And most doctors feel that they should give their patients 

something, since they are present in their office.


But there is something that WE can do, consciously, when we 

are experiencing fear, when we feel overwhelmed by it, or tense 

in body and spirit because of a stressful situation; we can surrender 

and trust in God, and that is the meaning of the prohibition of fear 

in the authentic living out the Catholic Faith.


Faith, Belief, Trust comes first, then knowledge comes, which 

enables us to surrender to Him who is much greater than us, and 

who unfailingly helps and assists in proportion to the degree of 

trust and surrender to Him.

This is not a way of evading the fear, or of cutting ourselves off 

from feeling it, on the contrary; it is a way of fully accepting it, 

stopping the resistance to it (which is the unwillingness to accept ) 

and in so doing, handing it over, in trust, 

to Jesus Christ; true God and true Man. 

The way to God is through ourselves, it is by going inside.


Most people spend their lives looking for happiness in the world;

the right job, the right partner, the right house, car, holidays etc. etc.

They always find that that happiness is short lived, the void comes 

back, the nagging feeling of lack of fulfillment that will not go away.

But if you earnestly seek what will truly make you happy, 

you will find it.


Do not ever let fear paralyze you, because that is what fear 

does best.

When we are nervous, we often can not even speak coherently, 

our brain does not function normally. 

This is unacceptable.

We have the Source that gives life to the world available to us,

it demands our interest and learning. It is often, paradoxically,

when we are most afraid, that we loose the capacity to hold on to

the fear, the mind let go of the grip on it, we surrender, and we see 

that it was ourselves that maintained the fear. We kept feeding 

this beast of our imagination by our repetitive thoughts, maybe 

of what was said to us, e.g.: 

"I am suffering from anxiety, I am anxious, I am afraid", etc, etc.

The devil thrives on all the attention he gets like this. 

It is we who are doing it. The devil is also in us, doing everything 

to disturb our peace and trust in love and goodness: God.

Jesus, I trust in You.

Fear; just go away, I am not interested in you. 






It is true that we must be aware of the heresies and wrong 

teachings which sometimes comes from the top in the church, 

we must hold on to the truth, and never let ourselves be let astray 

by modifications or false teachings.

It is in expressing what is wrong and why, that we maintain 

the truth. 

But shouting, revolting, protesting unceasingly against our 

current pope, is not Christ-like, and it is Christ we are supposed

to imitate.

And calling for, even expecting, a schism in the Catholic Church, 

is completely contradictory to the spirit of Christ. 

Having a great intellectual understanding is great, but the 

understanding has to descend into the heart, body and soul.


We are called to imitate Our Lord, 

Our Lord who was humble and gentle at heart. 

Yes, He overturned the tables in the temple in rage, when He 

saw how they abused it, but it was by telling us to pick up our 

crosses and follow Him, if we want to be His disciples, that He 

showed us the hidden spiritual way that leads into the 

Father's presence:  "I must do the Father's will".

It is in contradiction to the ways of the world, which is how

we were told to live as Christians.

This is how the Church has produced so many saints and martyrs.

For by our own will it would not be possible; for nobody wants 

to suffer, no matter what kind of pain.

Accepting the pain; personal, physical, emotional, psychological, 

familial, social, political, ecclesial.

Yes, it is painful to have a pope who does not appear to care about 

the church, and who systematically spreads confusion every time 

he says something.

But reacting by calling for schism is not the catholic way.

Monseigneur Lefebvre did not, he was excommunicated for having

gone against the pope, he spoke out against the modern mass after 

Vatican 2 and he saved the Traditional Mass, but as far as I know he 

did not call for a schism, rather he said, correctly, that the new 

modern vatican 2 church was in nature schismatic, as the rite

of the Mass was altered, and anyone that has changed 

from attending the modern Mass to the Latin Mass can confirm this. 


Nevertheless we are a suffering Church, and the attacks against her, 

often comes from within. 

The thousands of children and other vulnerable people that has been 

sexually, physically and emotionally abused from within the ranks of 

the clergy and religious is only one example.

There has been terrible popes in the past, the Church's history is full 

of saints and martyrs and really good people, and likewise devious and 

unholy clergy, who cared more about political power than the Church.

Right from the beginning Christ was betrayed and denied, Judas and Peter.


Marriage divorce is not allowed by the Church, when a couple marry it 

is for life, no matter what happens. 

This is totally radical as well, because it implies accepting pain. 

If, or when, it arrives, human instinct will always seek a 

way out, but the divine way is to not do that. 

If one of the spouses turns out to be an abusive alcoholic, for example,

it is an opportunity for sanctification for the other.

Indeed, in some orthodox churches the spouses exchanges crosses 

during the wedding ceremony.


And it is the same for us laypeople in regard to the clergy; we are 

aware of their failings and weaknesses, but we do not shout for a divorce.

We hold on to the truth, and we live our faith in mind and body.

We know that there was abuse within the church  also at the the time of 

Martin Luther, with the Indulgences, but Luther was a schismatic who

wanted out, so he used this as his ticket out. It was about himself, 

not about Christ.

I would say the same about Enoch Burke, who protesting about 

something totally legit, made everything about himself, acting like 

the true protestant that he is, he personifies it, along with the rest of 

his family. He has no humility. 

Yes, the courts are corrupt, because the world is corrupt, the world 

is full of liars, this is nothing new, it has always been like that.

Enoch Burke is not going to change anything in the world by staying 

in prison, what he is looking for is a hero status. He is not catholic, 

ok, but there seems to be many catholics who admire him. He is not 

helping the concern we all have about transgenderism by his obstinate 
