These photos are from 1983 when I got married in the Vatican by Saint Pope John Paul 2.





It was a big occasion, there was quite an amount of publicity around the event. 

Saint peter's Basilica was full to capacity, Saint Peter's Square was packed; we 

were on the telly, on the news, in newspapers and magazine articles.

My ex husband was brought up in the Catholic Faith by good Catholic parents, he was a practicing Catholic when we met, and instrumental in me wanting to become Catholic.

But he himself lost the faith completely a few years after.

I obtained an annulment by the Catholic Church in 2012.

The photos underneath are from my marriage in 2018, celebrated by a Deacon in the 

Catholic Church of Notre Dame de Lorette in Paris. 

(After obligatory separate civil ceremony)   

We were 9 people.

My Parisien husband comes from an anti-Catholic Church family,

he had not been baptized, his mother had even refused him to go to catechism classes 

with some of his friends when he was little and he wanted to go there. 

He is now baptized in the Holy Catholic Church.







Everybody is impressed by power; worldly power, numbers, quantity, riches, 
publicity, power to control other people.
However, we are all insignificant and we will all disappear from this world and 
be forgotten.
All true power lies with God, 
He can do ALL things, to those who believe. 

I love the Church and I want to protect her, and coming from a position of having been protected and helped by her, I do fully believe that marriage is indissoluble, there is no divorce, but I obtained a Church annulment.

Marriage can be really hard. In some Eastern Churches the couple exchange crucifixes during the marriage ceremony, as a reminder that when the hard times comes, in whatever form, when your spouse causes you pain, that pain is the cross to which you promised God that you would be faithful.

Loving God and loving others is not principally about feelings but about faithfulness.

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